
Monday, 13 June 2011

Twitter Updates June 11, 2011

[Trans] 06.11.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please.

2011-06-11 @ 5:02 AM
parkggang37 @2kjdream Your performance starts today? Hope for good outcome^^

2011-06-11 @ 8:53 AM
G8plan [Goong] Finally! Today! Is the first performance day at Japan Kyoto - Minamiza! We hope for lots of attention and anticipation, and love for our Goong team!^^ Hwaigoong!

2011-06-11 @ 9:46 AM
Steven_Lee_ Kim KyuJong Hwaitingtingting!! RT @hyeongjin2 [Goong] Finally! Today! Is the first performance day at Japan Kyoto - Minamiza! We hope for lots of attention and anticipation, and love for our Goong team!^^ Hwaigoong!

2011-06-11 @ 10:17 AM
hyeongjin2 All the actors/actresses and staffs did their best as much as to be able to change the history of the place known as Kyoto Minamiza heehee Even though the interior is small, they even put up the ChungSaChoRong*, everyone have went through alot. Our Kyuri too woojjoojjoo
*Traditional Korean lantern

2011-06-11 @ 12:33 PM
Bong_Actress In the morning, Japanese fans gave senbei biscuits with goong poster photo on it~ We shared and ate them. Thank ou ^0^ 

2011-06-11 @ 6:09 PM
HyungJun87 I must work even harder and show you even more. Everyone hwaiting.

2011-06-11 @ 6:09 PM
HyungJun87 KyuJong-ah, you've worked hard for the first performance ~^^

2011-06-11 @ 6:27 PM
solmi09 Was KaTalking with Kim KyuJong director and surprised when I saw this. RT @HyungJun87: KyuJong-ah, you've worked hard for the first performance ~^^

Oh my HyungJun-ah greeted Kyujong on twitter... SS501 is really something... they really support each other.. love them for that kind of brotherhood and friendship.....=')
A big thanks to xiaochu @')

Twitter Updates June 12, 2011

[Trans] 06.12.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please.

2011-06-12 @ 4:11 AM
JUNGYEON1023 @2kjdream First performance..though I'm late, congratulations!! TT Sorry.. I am living very ignorantly..TT

2011-06-12 @ 11:00 AM
kimkasu @HyungJun87 Jun brothers! HyungJun-ah! Thank you! Always! o o

2011-06-12 @ 12:32 PM
Bong_Actress Will eat it with gratitude <3 So this is the green pea balloon that KyuJong said ♥ heeheehee

2011-06-12 @ 12:35 PM
Bong_Actress Thank you! Friends from Taiwan~^3^ ♥♥♥ 

2011-06-12 @ 3:05 PM
JunghjuU Came to Japan~Have been gaining weight recently though eating alot of things that KyuJong's fans sent~~hyehye. Rice cake is really delicious~ I was troubled since I didnt have a handkerchief TT TT Really really really thank you

2011-06-12 @ 3:28 PM
HyungJun87 Let's be always honest and sincere in everything.

2011-06-12 @ 3:50 PM
Soie2e @HyungJun87 Yes~ Then can you follow me back???

2011-06-12 @ 4:58 PM
mystyle1103 @eru_Ndrew You've worked hard~~keke
*In reply to =eru_Ndrew= (2011-06-12 @ 6:50 AM) Finally today is the last broadcast performance.. I am grateful and thankful for the unsparring love and concern shown to me in the 2 months' time..^^Well, shall we strive on till the last today?^^ Cheering sound~~!!

2011-06-12 @ 4:59 PM
mystyle1103 @Sj861117sj Guess it didn't like its owner keke
*In reply to =Sj861117sj= (2011-06-12 @ 3:06 PM) Iphone switched off even if I left it by itself.. Anyone knows why.

2011-06-12 @ 4:59 PM
mystyle1103 @HyungJun87 Please for goodness sake... - -

2011-06-12 @ 5:24 PM
eru_Ndrew @mystyle1103 Thank you~ Meet you and HyunJoong soon ^^

2011-06-12 @ 5:46 PM
HyungJun87 @mystyle1103 huh?

2011-06-12 @ 5:47 PM
HyungJun87 @lovelyn_twt Noona, who is that?
*in reply to =lovelyn_twt= (2011-06-12 @ 4:15 PM) Isn't it cute?

2011-06-12 @ 5:48 PM
kimzakky @HyungJun87 Kim HaengJuni! @mystyle1103 Heo EungSaengi!!

2011-06-12 @ 6:22 PM
Sj861117sj @mystyle1103 Am I too mean? keke

2011-06-12 @ 7:09 PM
lovelyn_twt @HyungJun87 Someone I dont know heehee

2011-06-12 @ 10:04 PM

HyungJun87 Raining
A big thanks to xiaochu for the translation over at Quainte501...

[Vids] Overload of Young Saeng's Shy-like Charm

[Vids] Overload of Young Saeng's Shy-like Charm

Much thanks to HYSmystyle for tweeting links to watch these vids from different fan clubs who were at Daegu to see and get Young Saeng's autograph yesterday.

After watching this videos, I can't get enough of Young Saeng. His be-dimpled smile is so beautiful.

Thanks to  for upoloding the vid of

Thanks to  for sharing rmdkdl's vid on YT. Hope someone can translate these vids from rmdkdl.

Thanks to  again. This vid is from BestYS.

Here's gist of the convo betweet fans:

Someone asked when is 2nd album coming.

Young Saeng replied "SS501's Second album?"

Fan shouted, "No, your solo."

Young Saeng said "Ahh ei? Second album?"

Fans, "Yes!"

Young Saeng replied, "I don't release first album yet how come I make 2nd album? You shock me." (because YS only released mini album and that is not counted ^^)

Leader Kim Hyun-Joong got jealous? Hmm... ='P

Kim Hyun-joong "I get jealous when women scream for Won Bin or Kang Dong-won" 

Kim Hyun-joong confessed he gets jealous of Won Bin and Kang Dong-won.

In the late night variety show SBS "Every Night" Kim Hyun-joong pointed out Won Bin and Kang Dong-won when he was asked "Is there any actor you envy the looks of?"

Kim Hyun-joong said, "While I was watching movie "The Man From Nowhere", women screamed at the past where Won Bin cuts his hair by himself and I got jealous. I niggled saying 'how could someone cut his hair on his own so well?'".

He also confessed that when he watched Kang Dong-won's "JEON WOO CHI: The Taoist Wizard", he thought Kang Dong-won was really cool but was jealous because so many women liked him.

Kim Hyun-joong claimed that he had experienced the best and the worst drama and spoke about what he thought their differences were.

He also spoke about the complex of his which he overcame watching Cha Seung-won, and was completely possessed by the Dok Go-jin character from MBC drama "The Greatest Love" as he imitated him as well. This show will be broadcasted at 11:15PM on the 13th. 



haha... Hyun-Joong Oppa! you don't have to get jealous.. we triple S will scream louder for you oppa! you will always be the ONE for us oppa esp to us, Henecians.. So don't worry Oppa! =')

Musical Goong First Day Performance of Kim Kyu Jong

Credits : (Chinese Translation) dechan @ + (English Translation) xiaochu @

Musical Goong first day of performance!!

Hello to everyone who are looking forward to updates on the blog.
Today is the first day of performance in Japan!

Today’s weather in Kyoto is very bright and also very hot!

Many congratulatory flower stands sent by fans from all over, were received at the venue, it smells very nice!!
Fans were waiting anxiously for long-awaited SS501 Kim KyuJong to make his appearance.
Combination of Kyoto Minamiza’s unique Japanese ambience with Korea musical,
They blend in amazingly well, and the atmosphere in the venue is really good.

Musical Goong first day of performance!! 2

Inside Minamiza, it feels like you are very close to the stage no matter where you sit
The ticketing is different on different days of performance, so please watch it a few more times.
Be it friends or relatives, you must come and watch this

Please indulge in the atmosphere in Minamiza Kyoto and the Hallyu musical
Thereafter, we will continue to update, so please look forward to it~

Musical Goong first day of performance!! 3

Following up, this is the second performance today
Attracting the attention of all the audience with their great performances
The second performance starts at 6pm! It is almost time for the performance~

Musical Goong first day of performance!! 4

The evening show is on now
It’s a pity that the first performance for Jang YuJun who acts as Ryul has been cancelled. But his stage performance after he ‘recharges’ will make you emerge into charms of this musical Goong.
Please look forward to it!

Following up, please let ‘Musical Goong’ in Kyoto which last for one month, to shine!

wow! kyujong ah.. congratulation for the success of your Musical Goong... you look very prince wakekeke... ='P

Kim Kyu Jong performing in 'Goong' Musical Part 2

yehey! Here's another fancam video clip from Musical Goong.. =')

credits: DevilDenise@yt

Again special thanks to DevilDenise@yt...=')

CNR Media VP talks about Park Jung Min's Official Account on FaceBook and Twiiter

CNR Media VP clarifies about JungMin’s facebook page & twitter account

Taken from: CNR Vice President FB
Shared by:


Park Jung min’s Facebook is under controlled by CNR for overseas fans who can’t use PJM official homepage. And PJM agreed with that.

On the other hand, Twitter is under controlled by Park Jung Min personally. But as you know, Facebook is linked to Twitter. So if CNR upload the notice on Facebook, it’s automatically uploaded on Twitter. Many fans worried about the issue of Twitter hacking and contacted us through various ways.

We notice again that PJM’s Twitter is totally owned by him. The decision about Facebook management is to notify PJM’s activities widely for Korean and overseas fans. We hope your understanding.

Thank you.


On the other hand, many have been asking is CNR Media FB page the real one on Facebook right now. The answer is NO. Its opened by fans and the VP had already clarified about it yesterday. The company logo they used on the photos they uploaded are indeed CNR, but the page is not managed by CNR Media staff. Please take note of it, CNR Media ONLY MANAGE JungMin’s facebook page which is ParkJungMinOfficial.

P/S: And for people who is a friend on facebook with the VP, PLEASE DO NOT SPREAD THE PHOTOS/VIDEOS HE UPLOADED. Its strictly prohibited.

Kim Hyun-joong true as heard, Black Charisma takes over


Kim Hyun-joong returned to stage to satisfy his fans.

Kim Hyun-joong performed "Break Down" on MBC "Show! Music Core" on the 11th of June.
He displayed a fancy performance but a steady singing and received many favors. He sang live and performed without a mistake in his choreography.

Kim Hyun-joong looked especially manly with his short haircut, sophisticated black suit, leather jacket showing off his muscular body and other various looks in contrast to when he was in SS501. His muscles seen through his jacket was enough to make women swoon.

Kim Hyun-joong's first solo album was created in the period of a year with Steven Lee who produced albums for V6 and KAT-TUN from Japan going back and forth to America. It's said that Kim Hyun-joong was actively participative and made lots of effort to complete this album.

Other staffs included on this album are those who worked with Ne-yo, Rihanna, Usher, Kanye West and others, increasing expectations.

Meanwhile, on MBC "Show! Music Core", were Kim Hyun-joong, Beast, Secret, FT Island, Jang Woo-hyeok, Baek Ji-young, Lee Roo, Lee Tae-kwon, Bubble Sisters and more.

True! True! Leader looks manly with his short haircut, sophisticated black suit and leather jacket... We can see how manly Kim Hyun Joong is... First time I saw his mv "Breakdown" with this outfit made my mouth wide open and the first comment I had in my mind was "OMG! He is not just cute but also a gorgeous man.." .. kekeke.... ='P 

Kim Hyun Joong backstage photos


Pictures of Kim Kyu Jong in 'Goong' Musical

credits: as tagged + Musical Goong Official Site + Kim Kyujong's Land@fb 
Finally! Pictures of kyu jong performing the Musical Goong... I knew it kyu jong ah.. your Musical Goong is success.. heard it all saets was taken...  Fighting Kyu Jong!

Kim Kyu Jong performing in 'Goong' Musical


credits: DevilDenise@yt

Omo! Thanks to DevilDenise@yt.. Here's a video clip from the musical goong and look kyujong was singing.. i knew it he really did well.. i hope i can also watch this.. hehe..=')

Leader Hyun Joong giving message to Daum music viewers

[Eng Subs] Kim Hyun Joong Daum Message

credits: kelemama501@yt + Daum + (english translation)
Of course Oppa! We really love your comeback album.. can't wait to have it.. hehe.. don't worry I'll surely look forward for your activities oppa.. hope you have some activities here in Philippines as well.. hehe... Fighting oppa!

Leader love kids so much as well as Kids also, here's a proof.. watch it=')

Kids say 'Fighting' to Hyun Joong at Fansign Event

We all know very well that Leader love kids so much.. thanks to momochi0606@yt + loveHJ0306@yt, here's a video showing that kids love him too...=')

credits: momochi0606@yt + loveHJ0306@yt

hehe.. how cute the kids are... seeing them saying "Fighting" to cheer our leader was really cute.. I too love kids so much... hehehehe..=')

[Eng Subs] Kim Hyun Joong Press Conference for 'Break Down' Showcase

credits: cheshirefatkat@yt
I already saw the running man episode that kim hyun joong gues.. and i don't think he was fat... well I think he is fit enough.. don't have to lose weight oppa...=') 

Kim Hyun Joong performs 'Please' + 'Break Down' in Inkigayo

Hyun Joong Interview


Break Down

credits: conightime@yt
Omo.. really great performance Leader.. even though I already saw your MV so many times I am still amaze with your performance.. you are really awesome oppa...=')

[Eng Subs] Park Jung Min on 'Loved in Asia' Episode 1 Complete


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Part 2
credits: RoyalPJM@yt
Yey! Another updates/activities of Jung Min... although it still not complete I'll update my blog for sure... special thanks to RoyalPJM@yt...