
Friday, 17 June 2011

Kim Hyun Joong wants folded phone rather than smartphones

Kim Hyun Joong, why does he not use smartphones? 

This is the period where smartphones are getting more and more publicized everywhere around. Indeed true that most stars these days use smartphones. Whether for promo shoots relating to work, or during free intercession breaktimes during recordings, stars have the tendency to play the games on their smartphones and or watch videos to pass time. Smartphones are certainly the effectively one of a kind tool for them to pass time.

In addition, even smartphone companies have this ongoing promotion sale for celebrities who buy from them. And so because of this, most of the stars are using smartphones. There are even some stars who have 2~3 handphones with them.

However, amidst such a trend, there are, too, stars who don’t use smartphones. And he is none other than Kim Hyunjoong who’s recently made his solo comeback with a new album. Kim Hyunjoong is currently using an old model folder phone. Kim Hyunjoong has also mentioned himself that he’s never used a smartphone at all before. So what exactly is the reason why Kim Hyunjoong doesn’t use smartphones?

Recently, Kim Hyunjoong who met up with our eNews said to this, ”Smartphones are inconvenient, whereas a normal phonepiece is convenient”. In fact, Kim Hyunjoong’s handphone was recently spoilt and he actually got a new handphone too. Despite given the chance to, he still again selected and went for a folder phone. A related personnel from his agency has commented, ”Kim hyunjoong doesn’t show any kind of stark interest to any latest gadget and whatsnot”, ”He finds that smartphones are inconvenient and has insisted to use the original style of phone that he’s always been using”.

Kim Hyunjoong is a star who’s almost insensitive to the latest trend at all. He doesn’t play mini homepages. Twitter or even SNS*. Since he doesn’t own a smartphone, it would obviously be hard for him to use SNS too. A related personnel who knows Kim Hyunjoong very well has divulged, ”Rather than to say that he wants to maintain his mysterious profile, it is more apt to say that he doesn’t exactly enjoy communication through the internet medium”, “Kim Hyunjoong likes to share talks with people by meeting them directly and personally, rather than over the net. The matters he thinks of is not like a 1986 at all. He has trend sensitivity just like those in their 30s”.

*SNS is Social Networking Service.


Well that's what i like to kim hyun joong... he doesn't go with the flow... i mean he's not into trendy stuff.. he just stick to what he wants.. and don't care what people might say.. like him for that...=')

Kim Kyu Jong Ending for Musical 'Goong' - Curtain Call

credits: Tivonahu@yt

Felt happy cause we know that Kyu Jong really did enjoy his musical goong.. look at his face full of smile... Aigooo... those smiles... If he's smiling me like that I would have melt.. so cute.. really handsome prince... =')

Heo Young Saeng performs 'Let it Go' for his Goodbye Stage on Music Bank

credits: UnknownCarrot170@yt

Kim Hyun Joong conquered the Top in Music Bank!!!!!!!

Kim Hyun Joong wins in Music Bank!

Okay, so I'll start my comments now regarding what had just happened. First, the moment Music Bank started to air, I was looking forward who would be Hyun Joong's competition for the number 1 spot. I was thinking FT Island or Secret (since they were his competitors yesterday). But what did surprised me was it's Beast he will be competing with. My eyes went o_o and I immediately uttered... 'OMO... Beast?' It's not that I don't trust Triple S or Henecians or myself. It's just that for the past 3 weeks that Beast has been on Music Bank, they have won Triple Crown for the song 'Fiction'. I was literally nervous and anxious to see who wins. 

Then they were both interviewed backstage. I can hear screams of fans. I tried to understand what they were saying but only understood a little. >_< (I'll leave it up to the translators) 

When Hyun Joong was performing, I turned the volume up and was hoping he really wins. Then, Beast performed. I must say, the shout of their fans were very loud, which made me even more nervous. Then, the result are to be announced. I immediately saw Young Saenggetting closer to Hyun JoongHe really is very supportive. Charts were shown, and the moment I saw the huge difference, I mumbled 'Hyun Joong won?.. Hyun Joong won?' then I screamed and jumped 'Hyun Joong won!!!!!' ^^ I was literally happy and overwhelmed with the result. I could see on Hyun Joong's face he was surprised as well. ^^ Again, he thanked his boss, his agency, his dancers, and of course how could he forgot Young Saeng. ^^ He was about to do the encore when I noticed he was telling Young Saeng to stay for the encore. (1:14 from the video) How sweet!! ^^ He even thanked us Triple S! ^^ Congratulations Leader for your another win!! Hoping you'd win also in Inkigayo tomorrow! ^^


Break Down

Kim Hyun Joong wins! 

credits: UnknownCarrot170@yt

Well I never had the chance to watch this so I decided to repost this... Full credits to thanks thanks...

Park Jung Min @ Incheon airport Off to Shanghai

[FanCam & Pix] Jung Min @ Incheon 06.16.11

Sharing with you a video by and a set of photos fromNo.43 Park taken at Incheon Airport yesterday. Jung Min zipped off to Shanghai for a showcase.

Much thanks to veggiedelight for sending the link to  YT channel and for shoving to my email the photos.

The ever friendly and accommodating Jung Min. Always giving the brightest smile to his fans. You see, it would really be difficult to guess if Jung Min is well or not, yah?

And her are wonderful photos taken by the shutterbug of No.43 Park. Take note of Jung Min's cheeks, they're puffier. He must have rested well.


Another Video for Jung Min...

[FanCams] Jung Min's Arrival in Shanghai 06.16.11

Glad to see some fancams of Jung Min's arrival in Shanghai uploaded by  on YouTube. Much thanks! Hope we get to see clear photos soon.

Thanks to veggiedelight once again for sending the links.


News about Kim Hyun Joong winning in Mnet M!Countdown

Kim Hyun Joong wins #1 on M! Countdown + other performances

Mnet’s “M! Countdown” is back with another episode of great performances and musical treats.

Besides the usual stages on the show today, 4MEN performed their second title song, while B2ST performed a special goodbye stage. Meanwhile, rookie girl group Leader’s made their debut.

It was a battle between Kim Hyun Joong, F.T. Island, and SECRET for the #1 spot on “M! Countdown” today, and in the end it was Kim Hyun Joong who clinched the win tonight, making him the first SS501 member to win a trophy since each of them begun their individual activities.

Congratulations to Kim Hyun Joong!

credits: Casper@allkpop

Kim Hyun Joong tops Gaon Charts Physical Albums Ranking

Gaon releases chart rankings for second week of June!

The Gaon Chart is the national chart of South Korea and is intended to be the equivalent of Japan’s Oricon and America’s Billboard charts.

Check out the chart rankings for the second week of June below!


Gaon Chart National Digital Singles Ranking

1. Huh Gak - “Please Don’t Forget Me” – 42,499,396 Points

2. SECRET – “Starlight Moonlight” – 42,401,858 Points

3. 4MEN – “To Live At Least Once” – 41,200,192 Points

4. IU – “Hold My Hand” – 31,031,754 Points

5. B2ST – “Fiction” – 28,160,662 Points

6. F.T. Island - “Hello Hello” – 23,677,938 Points

7. 2NE1 – “Lonely” – 22,248,490 Points

8. 4MEN – “I Love You” – 21,797,925 Points

9. B2ST – “On Rainy Days” – 21,602,859 Points

10. Sunny Hill - “Pit-a-pat” – 21,420,416 Points

Gaon Chart National Physical Albums Ranking

1. Kim Hyun Joong – “Break Down (EP)”

2. SECRET – “Starlight Moonlight (2nd Single)”

3. 4MEN – “The Artist”

4. Heo Young Saeng - “Let It Go (EP)”

5. B2ST – “Fiction and Fact”

6. F.T Island – “RETURN (EP)”

7. Various Artists – “You’re Beautiful OST Part. 2″

8. Various Artists – “You’re Beautiful OST”

9. Eluphant – “Man On The Earth”

10. Various Artists – “Sungkyunkwan Scandal OST”

Source: Gaon Chart

credits: VITALWARNING@allkpop

Revealing Kim Hyun Joong's Score

현중 :: 06.16 M Countdown 1 위 ( No.1 ) !

During his winning speech, a rough outline:

Very thankful for this award today.
All thanks to Yongjoon hyung, KEYEAST's boss and staff, cordi nuna, managers, our best dance team Artmatic, and all many others
As well as our fans of course, really want to say thanks
This award today is given by all our fans who have worked hard
Thank you all!

In addition, these are the scores.

Digital Sales
3520 - lowest HJ
3840 - FTI
4000 - highest SECRET

Album Sales
800 - HJ highest
372 - FTI
215 - SECRET lowest

Mnet online poll (Mnet Korea+Mnet Japan)
1500 - HJ highest
1480 - FTI
1360 - SECRET lowest

Liking by professionals
900 - HJ highest
840 - FTI
840 – SECRET

Realtime charts ranking that gave this score:
900 - HJ lowest
1050 - FTI
1350 - SECRET highest >> this shows their ranking on charts are very high

8078 - HJ WINNER!!!
8042 - FTI
7845 - SECRET


Eng Subs] Kim Hyun Joong Backstage Interview from Mnet M!Countdown

Don't worry Hyun Joong-Oppa you did perform very well on stage, you don't look nervous at all.. oh my.. you just slept for one hour.. otoke.. Oppa do hope you'll take a rest right after.. pls take care of your health... get some rest even just for a while... we really are proud of you you are really doing your best for us your fans... don't worry oppa we already see you turned to a man... =')

credits: TheAlienPrince@yt

Watch KISS KISS on MBC Starry Night Radio

Thanks to veggiedelight for giving the tip to ... watch and enjoy!=')

Kim Kyu Jong Postcard Scans of 'Goong' Merchandise

credits: KYUJONG BAR (KJ Baidu) +

I want to have some of this... haizt... Kyu you are really a Prince.... Such a gorgeous man.... 

Heo Young Saeng Fan Signing event @ Jeonju

Photos from SWithDelight

Photos by

Promotional Video of Heo Young Saeng's 'Let it Go' Mini Album Taiwan Version

Official release date would be on June 30.^

credits: warnertaiwan@yt

Awww... I want also the album of Young Saeng.. I hope it can be release here in Philippines I'm going to buy for sure...

Park Jung Min Left for Shanghai Showcase Pictures

 Credit: ParkJungMin LoveFill
@ last another news/update from Mal though I'm overwhelmed with HyunSaeng still I'm craving for updates with other members as well... so thanks to liezl ( for sharing this....=')

HyunSaeng Mnet Countdown Pictures

Media pix of the winning moment of Hyun Joong with Young Saeng and Artmatic (dancers too of SS501)

Young Saeng's Performance

Hyun Joong's performance

First, Congratulation again to Our Kim Hyun Joong for winning the Mnet Countdown...=') 2nd felt sad for Our Young Saeng because he did not recieve any award.. however Winning of Kim Hyun Joong means SS501 wins... that's why I'm still happy... and seeing them together on stage makes me really happy... and by that I strongly believe that soon SS501 will comeback together as one..=') Fighting!