
Friday, 16 September 2011

[Eng Subs] Heo Young Saeng and Kim Kyu Jong Fanmeeting in Japan

*Will update post once other parts are out 

credits: sharonhuang83@yt

[Eng Subs] Kim Kyu Jong on ABC TV Ohayou Call

credits: sharonhuang83@yt

Kim Hyun Joong is crowned as the No.1 Celebrity Autumn Male Star


Kim HyunJoong-Lee SeungGi Battle For The No.1 Celebrity Autumn Male Star 

Source: Nate
English translation: Stephanie (@5StarsAs1/ or
Please leave the credits remain intact when repost.  TQ! :)

Kim HyunJoong is crowned as the No.1 Celebrity Autumn Male Star.

In an online music site, Monkey3, held a poll from 8th of September to 14th of September to select the 'Representatives Of Autumn Male Star'. Kim HyunJoong took the 1st place with a total of 3,781 votes (46%) out of 8,180 votes.

It's been a topic among the online community regarding the Kim HyunJoong's transformation into an 'autumn-style' man recently through the pictorial(CF) shooting, exuding his warm & coolness look at the same time.

Following behind Kim HyunJoong was Lee SeungGi ranked the 2nd place with 44% of votes along with Wonbin, BigBang Top, So Jiseob, and also Jang Geunseuk taking the 3rd-6th place respectively.

After the poll result have been revealed, netizens have left their comments like, 'So Jiseob have been defeated  by Kim HyunJoong', 'There's nothing better compared to Kim HyunJoong's eyes'.

Besides, Kim HyunJoong have become the spokesperson for the Japanese brand, HeatFact, where he is recognized as the new generation of Hanryu star after Bae YongJun.

[Eng Subs] Kim Kyu Jong on Kansai TV Interview

credits: sharonhuang83@yt

News article about Kim Hyun Joong in Shenzen

Kim Hyun Joong takes the ending stage for Spring Cocoons Shenzhen Bay Stadium concert 

Kim Hyun Joong‘s performance at the Spring Cocoons Shenzhen Bay Stadium in China will be broadcast on Chinese networks.

On September 16th, Kim Hyun Joong will be performing live for a 30,000-member audience as the concluding performance.  The last stage is usually left to the most prestigious star, so this is quite an honor in itself.

The Chinese press wrote, “We’re all especially looking forward to Kim Hyun Joong’s performance at this concert.”  His fans had also brought in over $160,000 USD in pre-order ticket sales, proving his popularity in China.

Fans also paralyzed the airport Kim Hyun Joong entered through, showing intense support for his performance.

Source + Photos: Nail News via Naver
credits: VITALSIGN@allkpop

Pictures of Kim Hyun Joong from Shenzen

credits: as tagged

Kim Kyu Jong's New Solo Album is entitled 'Turn Me On'

김규종 미니앨범 1집 - Turn Me On [Kim Kyu Jong First Mini Album]

02. YESTERDAY (부제: 어제보다 슬픈 오늘…)
03. My Love ( feat. YS(허영생)
04. Get Ya’ Luv
05. Get Ya’ Luv (Acoustic Version)


Kim Hyun Joong has become an endorsement model for Japanese clothing brand, ‘HEATFACT‘.

Kim Hyun Joong reveals his CF for Japanese brand, ‘HEATFACT’

Singer/actor Kim Hyun Joong has become an endorsement model for Japanese clothing brand, ‘HEATFACT‘.

On September 12th, HEATFACT’s parent company Ion Co. made an announcement through a press release, stating that they’ve chosen popular Asian celebrity, Kim Hyun Joong, to represent ‘HEATFACT’.

The company explained, “Not only is Kim Hyun Joong a famous Korean celebrity, but he’s also renown all throughout Asia. We believe Kim Hyun Joong will play a big role in spreading HEATFACT’s brand awareness“.

Shortly after his Asian tour, Kim Hyun Joong filmed a commercial with famous Japanese actress, Nakamura Anne, at a studio in Seoul.  The shoot lasted two days, from August 30th through the 31st.

According to Key East Entertainment, Kim Hyun Joong was very friendly towards Nakamura and they collaborated well (despite the fact that this was their first meeting).  It was also reported that staff members were quite impressed by Kim Hyun Joong’s professional work ethic and charismatic acting.

Kim Hyun Joong’s HEATFACT CF began airing on TV since September 13th.

Source + Photos: MT Star News via Nate

credits: MrTuxedo@allkpop

Notice from B2M Entertainment regarding Young Saeng's Musical

Chinese translation: 0317 @
English translation: @tzeyin28 @
Lifted from ss501chapter.wordpress
Hello everyone.

This is B2M Entertainment.

Heo Young Saeng’s 2011 is going to be more fulfilling!

What excites people is that the actors will be playing the roles in the musical “The Three Musketeers” again.

Please give a lot of love, concern and support to Heo Young Saeng who will soon be debuting as a musical actor.

Kim Hyun Joong wants to be a part of 'Boys Over Flowers 2'

Singer-actor Kim HyunJoong sent a 'love call' to 'Boys Over Flowers 2'. 

On 15th of September in the broadcast of KBS 2TV 'Yeoyoomanman', Kim HyunJoong hinted that he is confident and willing to cast(?) for 'Boys Over Flowers 2' if there is a production plan in the future.

The lead cast of Musical 'Goong is SS501 member Kim KyuJong and it is directed by the same producer of KBS 2TV drama 'Boys Over Flowers' on Monday & Tuesday weekly, Song ByeongJun. Kim HyunJoong made a surprise visit to both of them in the rehearsing room.
Kim HyunJoong developed the friendship bonds with Song ByeongJun during the drama 'Boys Over Flowers' and Kim HyunJoong admitted that it was indeed great to see him once again after a long time. Besides, all the 'Goong's casts & staffs welcomed & greeted Kim HyunJoong's arrival warmly.

In addition, Song ByeongJun recalled back & said, 'Kim HyunJoong was the most anticipated character among the F4 members in Boys Over Flowers'. During the broadcast of Boys Over Flowers, Kim HyunJoong who cast as 'Yoon Jihoo' in 'Boys Over Flowers' was really well-received by the viewers.

However, Kim HyunJoong confessed, 'I'm very different from Yoon Jihoo. I liked something extreme, unlike the romantic manga character, Yoon Jihoo'.

Even Kim KyuJong added, 'Despite the different personality between Yoon Jihoo and Kim HyunJoong doesn't match, but they looked alike. Although it's great, but when the members watched the drama on TV, we're really shocked to the extent we shrunk our bodies together' arousing many laughters. Morever, Kim HyunJoong's famous speech line in 'Boys Over Flowers' was also a hot topic of discussion.

Kim HyunJoong said, 'Once the drama broadcast ended on TV, I'll switched off my phone', as 'Why am I like this?' will appeared. However, the viewers were used to it in the end'. He said to Song ByeongJun, 'If there is any production for 'Boys Over Flowers 2', give me a call' and Song ByeongJun immediately replied jokingly 'Can we film it right away?', causing many laughters in the rehearsing room.

Kim Kyu Jong's Drinking Capacity was Learned From HyunJoong

Kim KyuJong ‘Good Drinking Capacity? Learned From HyunJoong, Really Vigorous’ 

Source: Nate
English translation: Stephanie (@5StarsAs1/ or at
Please leave the credits remain intact when repost.  TQ! :)

Singer-actor Kim KyuJong & Kim HyunJoong showed off their friendships once again.
On 15th of September in the broadcast of KBS 2TV ‘Yeoyoomanman’, Kim KyuJong, Song ByeongJun, and Kim HyunJoong reunite once again, and story about Kim HyunJoong & his drinking capacity was revealed by Kim KyuJong.

On that day, Kim HyunJoong made a surprise visit to Kim KyuJong & director Song Byeongjun during the musical ‘Goong’ rehearsal. As Kim KyuJong is a member of SS501 too, and Song ByeongJun was the producer for the KBS2 ‘Boys Over Flowers’, thus the friendship bonds were developed between them with Kim HyunJoong.

Regarding Kim HyunJoong’s surprise visit to the rehearsal room, Song Byeongjun said, ‘It seemed like KyuJong was even surprised that I am’. So, Kim HyunJoong jokingly said, ‘Actually, that’s not true. Sometimes, KyuJong looked as if he just had soju. He have a good drinking capacity’.

Kim KyuJong replied, ‘After I grew up to become an adult, I learned to drink for the first time from HyunJoong, really vigorous’. At the same time during Kim HyunJoong’s vigorous ‘alchohol training’, you can predict how good is he in drinking too. Kim HyunJoong said, ‘When I was young, I thought it’s good to eat a lot, but I’m thinking otherwise now’.

Furthermore, Kim KyuJong who are challenging the musical industry recently was asked whether ‘Is there a big help from Kim HyunJoong as a sunbae(senior) in acting?’ and so he answered, ‘What really had helped me was how serious Kim HyunJoong looked when he was reading the script or practicing during his drama shooting, it really had left me with a deep impression and it seems like it have become a friendly competition between us’ which garnered many attentions.

Picture of Kim Kyu Jong from his latest MV

credits: gooddirector@twitter

Picture of Kim Hyun Joong with Lyle Beniga and Ellen Kim

credits: Euny1120@twitter

Heo Young Saeng's Profile in 'Three Musketeers' Musical

credits: as tagged

[Eng Translation] Heo Young Saeng's Tok Message on his Official Website

Trans][Message][110914] Youngsaeng Left A Message On His TOK
Source: Youngsaeng's TOK
English translation: Stephanie (@5StarsAs1/
Please leave the credits remain intact when repost.  TQ! :)

A greetings after a long while..everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving night..?^^
As for me..I have a good rest..!! keke

I heard that my very own fanclub Y.E.S is yes!!
Thank you~~^^ This fanclub name is easy to pronounce
Everyone, the unconditional YES!!!!! kekekeke

Ah..and I've joined the musical..!!
I should announced on the homepage first..
I'm also not the basketball team cafe (Atti Basket)...I've mentioned it there...ㅠㅠ
Sorry~~~ wanted to make a sudden announcement..;;
In my Twitter..said I'll be coming back with my new looks..
Did a little 'notice' (as in preview) there..ㅠㅠ (My 'mysterious personality' gone again..ㅠㅠ)

Well..please anticipate for this~ and give your many supports~~
Even starting from now I'm feeling a little nervous..I'll work present my best image~~^^
Gonna join the musical..keke so shy~~
So..Please give me many supports ^^
Will reveal the musical photos tomorrow~~

Coming soon....

Heo Young Saeng releases First Solo Story Special DVD

Young Saeng – 「FIRST SOLO STORY – SPECIAL DVD」 Korea Version

Release Date: September 28 (WED)

Content: 2 DISCS + Photobook (50P) + Photocard (3)

○[Let it go] M/V + Unreleased [Rainy Heart] M/V Full Ver.
○[Rainy Heart] M/V – Close Up Version
○Latest Interview Full Ver. – exclusive
○[Let it go], [Rainy Heart] N.G collation
○M/V Making Film (Kim Kyujong’s visit to the set included)
○Making/Production process

*Special Photobook of 50pages

[DISC 1]
01. TEASER Ver.


[DISC 2]

01. NG모음
Cover표시는 아마도 똑 같을것같다
Cover Jacket will probably about the same.

credits: B2M Entertainment + + HYSmystyle@yt

Heo Young Saeng in a new musical?

after kyu's musical now its time for our shy prince to show off his talent in a musical... mansae youngsaeng!=')


Youngsaeng in a new musical?

He has left an entry on the Atti Basketball Team's daum cafe page.

Only the first 2 important paragraphs, little quote:
    So there's actually such an event ne..kk
    Joined the cafe..and this my 2nd time coming here..ㅠㅠ
    Haven't been able to play basketball these days;; Sorry ;;
    As I play like those usual seemed to have strangely turned out with play arising only on Tuesdays somehow......kk

    I've gone into rehearsals for my musical which began today..
    It's a musical along with Kijoon-hyung and Soonchang-hyung~~
    Do come and watch~~ But if you were to come for both Kijoon-hyung's stand and mine.. then you would have to come along for two times ya.. kk


Profile of Member "Heo Young Saeng" who left the entry on the cafe:

Member Level: Atti Player
Cafe Join: 2011/08/09 (TUES)
Last Date of Visit: 2011/09/14 (WED)
Gender/Age: Male/26
Blog: No blog
Yozm: No Yozm


Lyle Beniga tweets Hyun Joong's next album different from his last

I'm looking forward to see Hyun Joong next album but I shouldn't forget Kyu's album this coming sept 27.. excited much=')

credits: LyleBeniga@twitter

Shara Lin pulled Park Jung Min's pants accidentally

haha... this story made me laugh thinking JM's reaction.. haha..and since Mal said he almost died.. i bet he is really stunned and don't know what to do... haha...

Park Jung Min scolded Shara Lin a pervert for pulling his pants while filming 

Park Jung Min, Kingone Wang, Shara Lin and Lia Lee who starred in idol drama ‘Fondant Garden’ will be heading to Korea for filming soon. Today’s filming scene was pulled back to Taipei Danshuei and it was also specially opened to the media to visit the set. Kingone Wang expressed that in order to film this drama, he specially went to learn Korean even asked Park Jung Min to be his little teacher in order to strengthen his Korean more.

Not only Kingone Wang had to learn Korean for the drama, Park Jung Min is also working hard in learning Chinese. Because of the language barrier, Park Jung Min and fellow actors and actresses made a lot of jokes. However, Park Jung Min’s Chinese is improving and is able to communicate with everyone seamlessly. Actress Shara Lin praised that Park Jung Min is cheerful and is easy to get along thus they are extremely happy while working together.

Park Jung Min had a lot of interesting stories during his filming in Taiwan. Recently he had to film a drowning scene in Hualien and in order to save him, actress Shara Lin pulled his pants accidentally. Park Jung Min continuously used Chinese and said “Pervert! So lustful!” which made everyone laughed. However by recalling this scene, Park Jung Min is still lingering with fear and exclaimed “I almost died.”

During the interview, it started to drizzle. Kingone Wang constantly said “*Water represents good luck”. However, Park Jung Min who was aside directly held up an umbrella unexpectedly pulled Shara Lin and Lia Lee in to avoid the rain. The reaction of the ignorance for his image allows everyone to see his funny side.

*It’s a good omen that Chinese believes.

credits: Yes娱乐 + (English translation)

[Eng Subs] Park Jung Min on Fondant Garden Interview

credits: RoyalPJM@yt

Kim Hyung Jun's Behind the story of Summer Festival Part 4

All of you know my partner right ^^?! Delightfully~ Synchronize for the last time~

Rehearsal ended~~~~~ Although it is tiring but I’m smiling upon thinking that I would meet everyone shortly!!

Costumes this time have been first consulted with the stylist head, and then prepared together~ How is it, is it okay ^^?

Finished make up too, to calm my mind, look and look at the script!!! It has been a long time since I gave my greetings, I cannot make any mistake~

Tada~ Now prepartions for actions have completed (all set)!!!!!! Is everyone ready?!  

credits: JUNUS ( + ONLY JUN ( [English translation]

[Eng Subs] Kim Hyun Joong in MNET's 'MUST'

credits: TheAlienPrince@yt

Lyle Beniga tweets spending Korean thanksgiving @ Kim Hyun Joong's Crib

credits: LyleBeniga + hyunjoongkajeablover.blogspot