
Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Photos of Heo Young Saeng playing Basketball

Lifted from Liezl blog.. thanks for sharing another photos of Heo Young SAeng...=')
This set of photos from rmdkdl is a rare treat. Why? Tell me how often we see Young Saeng's bare arms and chest. ^_^

Much much thanks to rmdkdl's shutterbug and to Sudal(@SaengFamVn_Su) for the tweet.

Btw, each photo is best seen when enlarged. You know what to do, right? ^_^

[FanCam] Young Saeng Playing Basketball 08.02.11 by HSScandal


SS501 Kim Kyu Jong to Debut as a Solo Singer in September

Woah! This is great news at last we kyu jong will have also solo album.. can't wait... I miss him singing a song.. wonder what song would it be... so happy for
you kyu jong ah!=')

[News] SS501’s Kim Kyu Jong to make a solo debut in September
Source + Photos: Newsen via Nate
Courtesy of VITALSIGN / AllKPop

SS501’s Kim Kyu Jong has announced that he’ll be making a solo debut!

A representative of B2M Entertainment revealed, “Kim Kyu Jong is currently working on an album with a release date by early September as his goal.” He’s currently completed most of the recordings, including his title track.

Although he was originally aiming to debut as an actor first, his passion for singing was too strong to ignore. Kim Kyu Jong finally gave into his soloist goals in the beginning of the year, and since then, he’s been slowly going through his preparations. His fellow members’ solo debuts were also said to have been a source of great encouragement for him.

Since he’s the last member of SS501 to make his solo debut, expectations are rising high for Kim Kyu Jong’s new work

[FanCam]Young Saeng Playing Basketball


Here's the video of cute Young Saeng dribbling, shooting, running and smiling.

SS501 Tweet Updates as of July 31, 2011

[Trans] 07.31.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits.

2011-07-31 @ 1:35 AM
JungMin0403 Let's study hard~~happy.gif*

2011-07-31 @ 2:10 PM
HyungJun87 One Love open recording with Furuya-san^^ It is not very fun

2011-07-31 @ 9:12 PM
HyungJun87 Finished the last fan sign event in SHibuya ^^ Thanks for your efforts

SS501 Tweet Updates as of July 30, 2011

[Trans] 07.30.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits.

2011-07-30 @ 12:05 AM
HyungJun87 Let's do Kim HyungJun's Music High together! Together with me at 2am! Ah, I cannot go to sleep. Woke up again

2011-07-30 @ 3:58 AM
HyungJun87 @glowb_0730 InBo-ya Happy Birthday^^

2011-07-30 @ 1:09 PM
wsbs20 @HyungJun87 Congrats on your 1st place~~ke Finish it off well and come back safely~~^^

2011-07-30 @ 1:57 PM
HyungJun87 Nagoya fan sign event ended^^ Fun enjoyable

2011-07-30 @ 3:09 PM
glowb_0730 @HyungJun87 Thanks!!

2011-07-30 @ 8:23 PM
wsbs20 @HyungJun87 YoungSaeng made his comeback?? Hyung was doing a recording and the last performance was It was my first time seeing him on his solo activities..heehee

SS501 Tweet Updates as of July 29, 2011

[Trans] 07.29.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits.

2011-07-29 @ 6:05 AM
HyungJun87 Leaving for Japan again early this morning. For a fan sign even^^

2011-07-29 @ 10:09 AM
Spike1092 @HyungJun87 Steadily~!
2011-07-29 @ 12:05 PM
KeeWanANN SS501's Kim HyungJun! Met him in office elevator, took one pic unexpectedly~!! Difference in our face size~!! TT TT

2011-07-29 @ 1:10 PM
HyungJun87 @ns_yoonji Do well today^^

2011-07-29 @ 1:15 PM
ns_yoonji “@HyungJun87 Thanks~ Have about...20 people who made reservation..kekekekeke 

2011-07-29 @ 1:51 PM
HyungJun87 My corner in Osaka

2011-07-29 @ 3:54 PM
HyungJun87 Finished my first fan sign even in Osaka. Thanks for the efforts. Thank you for coming. Tomorrow will be Nagoya~

2011-07-29 @ 4:17 PM
mari_daisuki @HyungJun87 Thanks thanks for the efforts~ You are always not in Korea heeheeheehee

2011-07-29 @ 8:01 PM
HyungJun87 1st place at Tower Records. Mansae happy.gif Run run

2011-07-29 @ 8:16 PM
lovelyn_twt @HyungJun87 Oh yeah! Congrats, MooHanXXgyo!

2011-07-29 @ 8:35 PM
Radoworld @HyungJun87 Daebak!!! Treat a meal~~~

2011-07-29 @ 8:48 PM
HyungJun87 @lovelyn_twt MooHanXXgyo!!

2011-07-29 @ 8:48 PM
HyungJun87 @Radoworld Go go have delicious food when I go back

2011-07-29 @ 8:51 PM
HyungJun87 One by one, step by step. The best
2011-07-29 @ 8:54 PM
Radoworld @HyungJun87 Come quickly!!

2011-07-29 @ 9:02 PM
unfinished12 @HyungJun87 You are the best. Sweep across Asia.

2011-07-29 @ 9:31 PM
kanjijw @HyungJun87 Wow congrats!! heoheo
2011-07-29 @ 9:33 PM
90KKB @HyungJun87 My brother made it to the 1st place in Tower Records~!~~! Congrats congrats heuheu Ahwoowoong

2011-07-29 @ 10:08 PM
mystyle1103 @4menwonjoo Happy birthday!!keke

2011-07-29 @ 10:09 PM
4menwonjoo @mystyle1103 Thanks hyung^^ Where's my present?? keke

2011-07-29 @ 10:26 PM
JUNGYEON1023 @HyungJun87 Oh~' Great!!!!

2011-07-29 @ 10:34 PM
musiciankkim @JUNGYEON1023 @HyungJun87 Oh~ Great~i!!!

2011-07-29 @ 11:16 PM
Hyejin0813 @HyungJun87 Congrats. 1st place singer

2011-07-29 @ 11:26 PM
HyungJun87 I'm going to sleep. Woooooh!^^ Sleep tight

2011-07-29 @ 11:41 PM
Spike1092 @HyungJun87 You've gone through alot. 1st place singer

SS501 Tweet Updates as of July 28, 2011

[Trans] 07.28.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits.

2011-07-28 @ 11:30 AM
HnBcompany RT @90KKB: Piropiro August event [I am Piropiro Ambassador Today] has started! We have prepared various prizes such as culture gift coupon, Piropiro, money vouchers, etc, so don't miss it! For more details, please check it in!

2011-07-28 @ 5:15 PM
philshin76 KHJ in Japan

SS501 Tweet Updates as of July 27, 2011

[Trans] 07.27.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits.

2011-07-27 @ 4:10 PM
HyungJun87 I pray that everyone is not hurt by the rain damage. Please drive safely and be careful everyone.

2011-07-27 @ 4:17 PM
hangtenkorea 2011 Hangten's autumn shooting. This is Kim HyunJoong who transformed to even more chic image~

2011-07-27 @ 4:20 PM
Jungmin0403 Hi everyone, this is CNR media. This is Jung Min at the ceremony of wishing good luck for the drama shooting in Taiwan. It's really hot here. Please give Jung Min lots of love and support. Thank you.

2011-07-27 @ 4:54 PM
Steven_Lee_ @mystyle1103 Hur Why is our song rated unfit for 19 yrs and below? sleep.gif?

2011-07-27 @ 9:16 PM
@mystyle1103 @Steven_Lee_ It's because of entering into club~ TT TT

2011-07-27 @ 9:59 PM
Steven_Lee_ Then where do they dance in Korea? I can't say~~ Out the Cafe sleep.gif;

Official Notice from Group Eight regarding Musical Goong

[Trans] Musical Goong - Official notice from Group Eight
Korean to English translation :

* Title : Musical Goong, 2011
* Producer : Creative Leaders Group Eight
* Performance Period : Sept. 16, 2011 ~ Oct. 22, 2011
* Venue of Performance : Theater YONG in National Museum
* Performance Time (No performance on Monday) :
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday : 8PM
- Saturday : 3PM & 7PM
- Sunday : 3PM
* Ticket Price :
- VIP Seat : 80,000KRW
- R Seat : 60,000KRW
- S Seat : 40,000KRW
* Main Casts : Kim Kyu Jong, Kwak Sun Young, Jung Dong Hwa & more.

[Vid & Pix] Kyu Jong at Bobbi Brown's Make-up Launch 08.02.11

Lifted from Liezl blog... Kyu Jong is really gorgeous... Love him always...

Today at Shilla Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul, Kim Kyu Jong attended the launching of New York's luxury brand make-up Bobbi Brown's new foundation 'Skin Mineral Powder Foundation SPF15'

Here are media photos and videos that i lifted from different portals via using Naver search.

From the photos below, Kyu Jong really look a bit tanner and he seems to have gained some weight.

YT version courtesy of . Thanks to slimz1808's tip!

[Trans] Kyu Jong Left a Message on His Official Webby 08.01.11

After a long time we hear again from Kyu Jong! And guess what? He is reminiscing once again and the excitement is still there!=')

Here's translation of the message from Kyu Jong official korean website.

[Trans] KyuJong, “2007.08.01 Kokoro..”

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Hi hi.. ^^

Now is.. 1st August evening..!!

Is everyone eating their dinner on time ! Not go skipping meals for diets right !!

Is everyone doing well? ^^

The memory of debuting in Japan with Kokoro single on 1st August 2007 came upon me suddenly..

It seems like just yesterday, time really flies isn’t it ?!^^

With unfamiliar Japanese language, we recorded our songs and practiced choreography, we were frustrated as we don’t speak the same language.. heehee

Now, everyone is fluent and good in Japanese ^^ Really praiseworthy heehee

At that time, we had to trouble our translator with fan letters in Japanese given by fans~ Now we are able to read!!

Yoohoo!! ^^ heehee The fan letters given by fans were a great help in studying Japanese~~

Album went on sale and when all our members saw our name on the chart in the first week, we screamed and was happy..^^ heehee

I still remember it now !! The expressions of our members with their eyes wide in shock..^^!!

And for the next single, we heard the ranking via phone and YoungSaeng hyung and I were overjoyed in the train and

The other members were overjoyed in the dorm and recording studio, and we screamed over the phone !!

Hurray hurray !! Like this !!~~

Thank you for giving us loud laughs and happiness and joy at that time~~

Triple S hurray..^^

It is raining a lot these days, and there were a lot of damages.. I am worried if everyone is fine..

I heard it is also raining a lot in Japan.. I wonder if everyone is fine .. ^^!!

Hmm hmm !! After the rain always comes the warm and bright sunlight!!

Let’s not frown and cheer up everyone ~~ he ~

Pretties!! August has started!!

Aja Aja!! The August that our HyeongJin likes, somehow feels like it will be filled with good things~

Now slowly…^^ I must get started..!! Yoohoo~~

Today’s good advice!!

He that can have patience can have what he will..
-Benjamin Franklin-


Original message in hangul from Kyu Jong official website.

2007.08.01 Kokoro


지금은.. 8월1일 저녁..!!

다들 저녁밥은 챙겨먹었는지 ! 다이어트한다고 굶고있는건아닌지!!

잘들지내고있지요? ^^

이천칠년 팔월 일일 일본에서 코코로라는 싱글로 데뷔를 한게 문득 떠오르네요..

엊그제 같은데 참 시간 빠르다 그쵸 ?!^^

생소한 일본어로 노래녹음을하고 안무연습도하고 말이 안통해 답답했던 우리였는데..ㅎㅎ

이제는 다들 일본어도 유창하게 잘하구 ^^ 기특해죽겠어요 ㅎㅎ

그땐 팬분들이 주신 일본어편지는 통역사분께 부탁했는데~ 이제는 읽을 수 있다구요!!

유후!! ^^ ㅎㅎ 팬분들이 주신 편지로도 일본어 공부에 많은 도움이 되었어요~~

음반을 발매하고 첫 주 순위에 올라있는 우리이름을 보고 멤버들 다 소리 지르며 기뻐했

었는데..^^ ㅎㅎ

지금도 기억나요 !! 깜짝놀래서 눈 커진 멤버들의 표정이..^^!!

그리구 다음 싱글은 전화기로 순위를 듣고 나와영생이형은 지하철에 기뻐하고

다른멤버들은 숙소에서 그리고 녹음실에서 기뻐하며 전화로 소리질렀는데 !!

만세 만세 !! 이렇게 !!~~

그때 우리에게 큰 웃음과 행복과 기쁨을 주셔서 감사합니다~~

트리플에스 만만세..^^

요즘 비가 많이 와서 많은 피해를 입었는데..다들 괜찮으신건지 걱정두되구..

일본도 비가많이왔다던데..다들 잘지내시는지 .. ^^!!

음음 !! 비 뒤에는 항상 따스하고 눈부신 햇빛이 찾아오니까!!

우리 찡그리지말구 다같이 힘내요 ~~ 히 ~

이쁜이들!! 8월이 시작되었네요!!

아자아자!! 우리 형진형아가 좋아하는 8월이라그런지 왠지 좋은일이 가득할거같아요~

이제 슬슬...^^ 시작해보아야죠..!! 유후~~


인내할 수 있는 사람은 그가 바라는 것은 무엇이든지 손에 넣을 수 있다 ..
-벤자민 프랭클린-

[Media Pix] Hyun Joong @ Love-1 Festival from Asian-Hana

Here are photos of Hyun Joong from Asian-Hana.