
Wednesday, 5 October 2011

[Eng Subs] Kim Hyun Joong in Beatles Code

*Only part 1 is up. Will update post once other parts are uploaded. 

credits: alanaz84@yt

Kim Hyun Joong updates fans about him by leaving a message on his website

Translation: Wonderrrgirl @

Recently I haven’t even written my excuse of being so busy here…..because I’ve forgotten my I.D and my password, so I couldn’t write a message…… Anyway this is just an excuse, therefore I’m giving all of you photos of what I’ve been up to recently as a present. 

Art and Matic are sitting now begging for food 

Myself during recording, taken by my manager who are worn out from standing and are going off to bed keke 

Finally, the master CD of my second album has reached my hands 

Because it can’t be released…………^^ I must keep it quickly into the safebox hehe 

For your information, my limited edition album and the first album’s master CD are inside the safebox. People with ulterior motives please don’t hover about outside my house 

Finally my second album is done ^^ On 20October I’ll try my best to make it the best stage. Don’t give ten of thousands of anticipation but please give it a hundred thousand of anticipation. Everyone please do it within your comfy zone of support, okay????????? 

Tomorrow I’ll be filming the music video. I hope you’ll anticipate this amazing video ^^ I’m thankful and because tomorrow I will be filming from midnight onwards, meanwhile I’ll watch a movie and try to get some sleep. 

So, please be mindful of not catching a cold and everyone, until the 20th, please recharge yourself, because there will be 3 weeks of promotional activities … ^^;;; 

Because we must have fun fully for a short time………… thank you all for always giving me so much intangible power during my hard times ^^


Kim Hyun Joong's message in Official Henecia Homepage

This is the first time I'm writing here and I forgot my ID^^
I will be coming here often
Please give many love to Henecia homepage.
Had finished recording the album recently. Filming music video tomorrow, please look forward to it^^
I will write here once in a while. Coming soon.........ㅋ

credits: +

Kim Kyu Jong's Schedule on October 4 & 16

4th Oct (Tues) - [RECORD] Food Expedition S2

4th Oct (Tues) - [RADIO] Younha's Starry Night

16th Oct (Sun) - Anyang Movie Festival, Pre-open Ceremony (Y-STAR Public event)  
 credits: +

Kim Kyu Jong talks about his comeback and fellow SS501 members


Only the Golden Words, because the rest of content is about repeated before.

Kim Kyu Jong, Concludes SS501 Solo Acts
Date of interview: 21st Sept (Wed)
Date interview published: 30th Sept (Fri)

"In the end I had become the final relayer. As each of the members started their solo activities and up till now that it has managed to finish turning one round and ending off with a full stop, the feeling is marvellous. This period of time has become a turning point where it came to dawn on me just how precious group activities are."

"Hyungjun and Hyunjoong-hyung have monitored over my songs stringently. While Youngsaeng-hyung who's in the same agency as I am, helped in the rap featuring in one of my song [My Love]. As for Jungmin, I couldn't let him hear my song because he's in Taiwan, but I believe he'll show his support (silently/by actions). All of them may say it's difficult to work and do this alone, but how would I not know that is worries and concern they have for me.."...

"I hope all our members come to give support and congregate together in the waiting room"...that is Kim Kyu Jong's wish. 

He said, after all the members finish each of their planned solo activities, he sincerely hopes to re-unite forces and start group activities next year. And most importantly, it's for fans who have never changed throughout despite each doing each's activities now. "Fans are the friends you have who spins all the precious memories with you during the most shining period of time. When we look back and reminisce, I hope to weave really proud memories together as that way. So for that to happen, we would do that (re-unite) latest next year. And, all our members think the same way, too.".

SS501 Tweets: Kim Hyung Jun tweets for Kyu Jong

Please re-post with full credits!  

credits: HyungJun87 + KaHye95@twitter (English Translation)

Kim Kyu Jong performs 'Yesterday' for his comeback stage in Music Bank

credits: UnKnownCarrot180@yt

Kim Hyun Joong's Lotte Duty Free Shop New Wallpapers for October 2011


Kim Hyung Jun's Behind the story of Summer Festival Part 6

Today is an extra page~! Not Hyung Jun on the stage. Sorry I can’t protect you. Please understand (me for posting)those pictures ^^;;

“Today I’m cool right?!” If I put my hand on my chin, it would not pale in comparison to the advertisement for shavers right ^^??!!!!!

On the day of the performance, always eating from bento!! I will eat the delicious bento thankfully! Will also pray ^^

Today is a day with 2 performances.. Hyung Jun collapsing from exhaustion as soon as he returned to the waiting room ^^

Just like this taking a short nap on the sofa before going to meet everyone again!!! ‘Who took this (photo)!!!!!!!!!!! kekekeke’

credits: JUNUS (source) + ONLY JUN ( [English Translation]

Heo Young Saeng - Rainy Heart PV Full Version (First Solo Story)

Haven't watch this video yet..T.T later I will

credits: BlackHoshiko009@yt + 疯靡

Heo Young Saeng First Solo Story NG Cut

credits: nejeelicious@yt

[Eng Subs] Kim Hyung Jun and Kim Ki Bum on Pops in Seoul: Brothers with Superior Genes

credits: arirangworld@yt

SS501 Tweets: Kim Kyu Jong tweets to his Pea Princess

credits: 2kjdream + SGlove501@twitter (English Translation)

Video of Kim Kyu Jong 'Turn Me On' Album Jacket Making

credits: sujeong501@yt

Clips from Heo Young Saeng's First Solo Story DVD

credits: mitha7778@yt

Kim Kyu Jong Media Pictures from M!Countdown

Handsome Kyu!! Daebak..=')

credits: as tagged

Kim Hyun Joong PhotoBook Limited

Kim Hyun Joong 1st Live Photo Book Limited ~ Showcase in seoul 

Product Code: DATV0661

Price (s): ¥ 3,360

Booking start date: 2011/09/30

Release Date: 2011/12/02

Product specification
■ Size: 190 mm ​​× 240 mm
■ Number of pages: approximately 180 pages
■ Marerial: PVC Case, Paper



enough of kyu.. here's another update to our Leader..=')
Staff Blog of Kim Hyun Joong Official Mobile Site ~ The Recent Me 1& 2 

Source: KHJ Japan Official Mobile Site
Credits: ritsuko05801 @yahoo blog
Japanese~English Translation: miyo
■ The Recent Me 1。
2011/09/29 Hyun Joong

Working hard practicing till night time for the release of the album in October.
Will become busy once the activities starts…

This is what I do when I have the time, if I could will be playing together with it~
Those who suspect that I keep playing with the dog and not practicing!
Because I can't show pictures of myself practicing...I took this instead!!

■ The Recent Me 2。
2011/09/29 Hyun Joong 

Don't you think that it's amazing?
But when I look at these photos and see the interesting expression of them makes me laughed.
When everyone of you is feeling tired (especially when tired of waiting for my album ^^;;) Please look at these photos and laughed.

In October, let's run together again!!!!
Ah! Not running but let's try jumping up like in this photo!!!!!!

Kim Kyu Jong pictures from Inkigayo Comeback Recording

Oh my Kyu!! You are really handsome... tsk.. Those beautiful and tantalizing eyes of you makes me melt.. hahaha... Saranghae Kyu...=')

credits: as tagged

Kim KyuJong: “I’m afraid to make mistake...."

Kim KyuJong “I’m afraid to make mistake, didn’t even buy a car”

Credits : oing @ NEWEN + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Talking to ‘Young man who leads a upright life’ Kim KyuJong, what we felt is his brightness, healthiness and deepness in thoughts. Even when talking excitedly on incidents with his fans, he rounded up saying “So I have to work even harder and become a greater person.” It is not a pretentious talk, because his body is already holding to his honest heart.

Kim KyuJong, who doesn’t have a car on his own said “I didn’t buy a car because I am uneasy about it. If I have one, I think I will unknowingly drink and drive and get into trouble. I thought that I shouldn’t buy a car ever since I was twenty years old.” He added and laughed “Even though I feel sorry for my future girlfriend, but I can’t say (if I’d buy a car) after marriage, but now I have no intention of buying a car.”

“I always take the subway when I go and meet my friends. If I am really busy, then I will take a taxi. Subway is fast and good.” He said praising the subway. We told him “You used to always pull down your hat and put your head down when you go. What did I say?” Kim KyuJong laughed and said “At that time I thought that was what I must do, but now I go at ease. It’s good if someone recognizes me. I will give autograph if being asked. But a while back, I was being photographed by someone and I heard that I looked shabby in it.” And he laughed again.

Kim KyuJong’s reason for wanting to get married early is “Because I hate temptation”. He explained “Living in the society, I see the many temptations in my friends and hyungs. I really hate those temptations. Even though it becomes an excuse while working, if I have a special someone, I think I will not have such suggestions anymore.”

He added “I want to quickly get married and enjoy the marriage and have babies. I want my father to have an enjoyable time with my kid before he turns too old. If I have kid early, won’t my kid have the chance to have a cup of alcohol with my father when he gets old enough? I think it will be a great gift for my father too.”

With his busy schedule and new challenges coming up, he might be very anxious but he said “As compared to the worries of friends my age, I think I am enjoying it.” He continued “I used to be envious of the friends who solely went to school, but now when we meet, they are all sighing. While preparing for the album, I had some worries and thought ‘I should ask my friends’, but everyone is seriously worried about their own future. They were having a very hard time. As compared to them, I think my worries are enjoyable worries.”

As the last runner of SS501 solo debut, the aim for Kim KyuJong’s album is also as per that nature. “I felt the stress as members who released their albums before me were doing better and better. It will be great if I do well with my album but my role is to finish everything well under our group image. More than the desire to have a big hit success, I hope to finish with an image ‘Kim KyuJong seems like a good person’.”

Composer Han SangWon who produced SS501’s hit song ‘U R Man’, once again produced ‘YESTERDAY’ for Kim KyuJong, “It may sound tacky at first but please listen to it just 3 times. And you will find that it is really good.” He laughed and said.

Kim Kyu Jong performs 'Yesterday' for his comeback stage in MNET M!Countdown (Sept.29,2011)

I knew that you probably watch this comeback stage of Kyu but still I'll post it.. hehe.. because this was really amzing and I can't stop watching this video over and over again... hahaha... Love him so much... waaaahh.... <3

credits: CrazyCarrotExtra2@yt

Kim Kyu Jong revealed the reason behind the concept photos for his album 'Turn Me On'

Now we know the reason behind his Turn Me On concept album.... but then still thumbs up cuase you really caught our attention there Kyu, you did a great job....=')

Kim KyuJong “Extraordinary Female Make-Up Photo, Hoping to be Pretty but Simply Transvestite” 

Credits : oing@ NEWSEN + (English Translation) xiaochu @

Last of SS501 to make a solo debut, Kim KyuJong’s teaser photo had various ‘extraordinary’ points. Heavy make-ups, pearl necklace, female clothing with white hairstyle… immediately after it was being released, there was a heated attention among music fans as well as in various online communities. There are different types of reactions, from curiosity regarding his new attempt, to negative responses.

Kim KyuJong said honestly, “Even though it would be great to hear many nice words about it but getting away from that, I thought that I should do something that I have never done before. And it attracted many people’s attention on it.” He added “Because I won’t be showing that in my performance, so I just wanted to be showing this image.”

He said he is thankful even for those negative responses. He said, “Even then, I think they will say ‘What’s this?’ when they see the photo. Besides cursing over the photo, I am thankful simply that they found and saw the photo. Because it would seem like the traits in my performance, so it is good since it will create attention for it.”

Kim KyuJong’s dressing as woman hides 2 meanings. First is, the wholly white make-up signifies that even though there are diverse colors on the inside, he will break off from all of them and will show his own set of color in his performance.

Kim KyuJong explained, “The 2nd meaning is that while putting on make-up and filming, I thought that the title song is just too sad. It is not that I like a person similar to me. You will become similar with any person you like. Breaking up with the girlfriend, you will think that you can find the image of your girlfriend in your own face. So I put the make-up just like how the girlfriend would. If you look at the album jacket photo, you can also see photos of removing the make-up.”

Kim KyuJong said after explaining the hidden meaning, “I thought that it is really difficult being a female.” He continued “It is difficult to put on fake eyelashes. ‘How can you go out wearing this? It is tough to look beautiful’, these thoughts came to me. For guys, we just wear whatever will do. Females create beauty from small little things, which is tough. It’s just so difficult be it by just not moving, or putting on the fake eye lashes.”

He added “Frankly speaking, I was embarrassed initially but finds it fresh and original while taking the photos. I felt ‘There’s also such a side of me’, ‘When should I try this’. But I wasn’t pretty. I took the photo hoping that I will come out like a pretty lady but I came out just like a transvestite.” And laughed. He continued “Well that’s too bad. I was thinking if I should have put on a wig, but I don’t think it will work.”

Throughout the interview, we can feel Kim KyuJong enjoying the preparations for his solo album and various new challenges he has. “I have not gone into active promotion activities yet so I am not sure, but it was fun but tiring to be making it alone. I have tried various things and also talked a lot about my personal stuffs, it is making me excited. In the past, members share their opinions and fine-tuned it, but now there was too much because there is no one who gives control over it, however the song came out which I am personally satisfied with.”

Meanwhile, Kim KyuJong will start his active promotion activities in music shows broadcasts starting from Mnet ‘M Countdown’ on 29-Sep. Title song ‘YESTERDAY’ comprises of unique raging deep sensitivity in its second half of the song, attracting anticipation by showing the colors of Kim KyuJong.

Kim Kyu Jong: “Thinking of standing on the stage again after 2 over years, I feel happy and excited

When I read this article I felt Kyu's loneliness... Having thought of retiring... waaah... I'm so glad he didn't do it... so thankful for the people who never give up on cheering him up and i bet SS501 members is one of them.... Oh my kyu... ThanKYU for not giving up.. You should know that there are a lot of people believe in you... especially your fans TRIPLE S... so don't worry no matter what we'll always be here to support you... Saranghae Kyu Oppa!!


Kim KyuJong “Decided To Retire When People Makes Me Feel Too Difficult” 

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @

The heart that got hurt by people can only be healed through people. Coming back to the music scene after 1 year and 7 months is idol group SS501’s Kim KyuJong, who had thought of retiring due to getting hurt deeply by people. He also considered seriously to quietly going back to his hometown and live on listening to his favorite music.

The reason for him to think of the word ‘retire’ is due to the wounds he received from people. Especially because of his character of trusting people easily and shy of strangers, Kim KyuJong fell into the deep into his agony. Thoughts like “My character doesn’t fit as a singer?” filled his head.

“I stopped doing what I was originally doing. Because I received too much wounds from people. I even think like ‘My character is not suitable?’ sigh~ I thought of leaving without any prior notice at the thought of living comfortably without any desires.”

This is not a joke, Kim KyuJong really intended to leave. But he made a long journey and returned once again on the stage. Kim KyuJong released his first solo mini album ‘TURN ME ON’ on 27-Sep. So what is the reason for Kim KyuJong to sing again?

“Because of people. I realized that there are still many people who cherishes me like before. All thanks to these people, I was determined to work hard. In the past when I have lots of work, I will grumble but now I will have fun and enjoy it. (smile)”

Kim KyuJong, whom we have not seen for a long time, looks even brighter than before. Though his difficulties during this period has not diminished yet, thanks to the precious affinity with his current agency and its staffs, he was able to gather strength to stand up again. SS501 member Heo YoungSaeng, who is with him in his current agency B2M Entertainment, becomes his biggest strength.

“Thinking of standing on the stage again after 2 over years, I feel happy and excited. Of course, though there are still many things I don’t know yet, but won’t these change accordingly when I becomes determined to do it? (Heo) YoungSaeng hyung also said I am suitable to sing and supported me. It became a big strength to me.”

While having activities as SS501, thanks to the few members who loves being in the limelight, the usually quiet him had a 180 degrees change and we can feel the change in this meeting with him. Don’t know if it’s a natural change as he will have the camera time all to himself which he had shared with 5 members in the past.

Of course, the first drink cannot fill you full, Kim KyuJong does not demand too much on his first solo album. He only hopes to walk quietly towards the fans who got wet under the drizzle.

“I like American singer Tommy Page’s music very much. Though it is not a very outstanding type of music, you will remember it for a very long time. Like for my song, even though it will not appear as very outstanding when fans listen to it, but it will quietly linger around, so even when time passes by, I hope I can hear people say ‘This song is really good’. It is my dream to become a singer with such charisma.”

Though he started off as idol group, Kim KyuJong came out standing alone now, he wants to be remembered as a singer who has a ‘deep scent’. In year 2011, he will step forward alone, not as a group but as solo, not as idol but as a singer.


[Eng Subs] Kim Kyu Jong on YeoYooManMan

credits: sharonhuang83@yt

SS501 members Young Saeng and Hyung Jun visits Kyu Jong on M!Countdown

My oh my!!! Look who decided to visit our Kyu.. Its his two brothers Heo Young Saeng and Kim Hyung Jun... Love it... I msis them so much.... Their brotherhood is really one of a kind.... a never ending love and support to each other that's make them the only one.. SS501 Daebak!!!

credits: as tagged

Additional Photos of Kim Kyu Jong from 'Turn Me On' Album

credits: gellieSS501@Twitter + BlackRose50101