
Friday, 15 July 2011

[Gif] Kim Hyun Joong in 'Kiss Kiss' performance in M!Countdown

This is my favorite scene in his video.. hehe.. when i saw this.. I was like... waaaaahhhhh... heheheh.. can't stop watching this.. hehehe=')

SS501 Tweet Updates as of July 014, 2011

Korean to English transltion by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits

2011-07-14 @ 9:39 AM
joshrosemusic pretty sure ive seen @2kjdream almost everyday the last 10 days-lets keep it rollin-I still have to teach you American Football b4 i leave

2011-07-14 @ 7:43 PM
HyungJun87 RT @Only_Jun: [OFFICIAL Music Video 뮤직 비디오] Kim Hyung Jun / 眠れない夜 -Long Night- from avex (Pls watch many times & click "like")

2011-07-14 @ 7:44 PM
HyungJun87 RT @avexYouTube: SS501末っ子ヒョンジュン日本オリジナル楽曲第1弾シングル!!Kim Hyung Jun「眠れない夜 -Long Night-」♪