
Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Greetings for 26th Birthday of Kim Hyun Joong Oppa!

I just transfer here my greetings to oppa from my another blog.. i just thought to separate the blog regarding SS501 and to my personal life blog account.. hehe...

Oh my! I almost forgot to greet my oppa here in my blog... I already post and tweet my greetings for him... whew.. so this time here in my blog.... so here it is oppa.. i hope time will come that you will read my message for you.... hehe...


Oppa.. I'm really thankful that I met you (though not personal).. first time I saw you was your first korean drama which is the Boys Over Flower as Yoon Ji Hoo.. at the time I feel like I saw an angel in our television and I was really fallen by your smile... this is the first time that I have like an artist from other country as like i considered myself, fanatic of yours... but you know what I'm really grateful that because of  you I also met other 4 wonderful guys which is your SS501 members.. since then i became a triple s... this is the first time I'm going to greet you as a TRIPLE S and HENECIANS FAN of yours...
so Happy Happy Birthday oppa!! I really wish for your success and mostly for your first mini-album.. and also more blessings to come for you and also your family... i hope that your always happy oppa... don't change your 4D attitude.. hehe... I really like the way you are oppa... i hope one day i'll see you in person and hope you can visit again here in the Philippines... love you oppa.. we the triple s and henecians will always believe and support you no matter what... still hoping that someday you can have a concert here in the Philippines together with hyung jun, jung min, kyu jong and young saeng... I really miss you guys together.. anyway.. we will wait for the right time.. again Happy-Happy Birthday oppa... mwuah... take care always... God Bless you...
PS: continue inspiring us.. you've touched so many lives including me oppa.. thank you.. thank
you so much... amwuah... mwuah...


Members of SS501 Heo Young Saeng and Kim Kyu Jong suprise visit @ Kim Hyun Joong Showcase=')

wow! seeing young saeng and kyu jong in kim hyun joong showcase makes me really happy... proves that their still forever as one...=')
Kim HyunJoong ShowCase, SS501 Heo YoungSaeng & Kim KyuJong Surprise Appearance

Credits : newsen + (English Translation) xiaochu @

SS501 Heo YoungSaeng and Kim KyuJong made a surprise appearance at Kim HyunJoong’s showcase.

Kim HyunJoong held his first solo mini album ‘Break Down’ showcase on 7-June at JangChoong Stadium, JangChoong-dong, Seoul.

Park KyungLim was the MC for the event, she said “I prepared a little something for HyunJoong.” and at the same time, they sang happy birthday song and SS501 Heo YoungSaeng and Kim KyuJong appeared. The 4,000 fans cheered to welcome when both of them appeared. They were there to celebrate with Kim HyunJoong whose birthday was on 6-June.

Heo YoungSaeng said to birthday boy Kim HyunJoong “I sent a text message wishing you happy birthday yesterday. But there was no reply.” And Kim HyunJoong replied wittily “My handphone was broken. Taking this opportunity, I want to let my friends know that I lost my handphone.”

Kim KyuJong delivered his birthday wishes to him “I also called you but the phone was switched off. I was worried whatever happened to you, but it was fortunate (nothing happened). It was your birthday yesterday, Happy Birthday.”

3 of them blew off the candles and cut the cake. Kim HyunJoong said “I prayed that everyone one hwere can be happy”, receiving applause from the fans.

Kim HyunJoong’s first solo mini album was produced by STEVEN LEE, and took over 1 year, flying between USA and Korea. Kim HyunJoong actively participated in the making of the album and worked very hard in order to complete the album to the fullest.

[News] Kim Hyun Joong breaks down in tears while reading his letter, “I’ve only been able to watch fans fight”

Oppa.. Don't be Sad,,,T.T

Source : TVReport
Courtesy of GONI / AllKPop

Kim Hyun Joong has returned as a solo artist and gave a word of thanks to his fans with tears pouring from his eyes.

On June 7th, after his mini-album “Break Down” release showcase was over, he read a letter that he wrote from his heart to his fans.

He pulled out a letter and stated, “I’ve always been able to show my outer-self on stage, but I’ve never been able to show my heart to them. But I’ve finally gained enough courage to write this letter to share my feelings with my fans”.
Kim Hyun Joong read, “It’s already been 6 years since I’ve met every one. I thank you for believing in me and cheering for me all this time and never changing,” and he confessed, “I started looking back while I was working on the album. I realized how important the meaning of ‘together’ is”.
He continued, “I started feeling pressure and fear as I was trying to do this alone. It was hard to defeat this… I looked back over the past year, fans fighting and misunderstandings, only being able to watch over the situation made me think to myself, ‘I guess I have limits, too,” as his eyes started tearing.

He ended by saying, “I worked hard on the album by imagining how happy the fans would be looking at it. I hope that you will all be smiling and be even happier in the future” and added, “This album is not mine, but belongs to everyone. I’m very thankful to everyone that showed up here, and I want to tell everyone with my heart that I love you”.
Earlier on this day, Kim Hyun Joong performed his first solo title song “Break Down” at a showcase in front of 4,000 people.

Kim Hyun Joong watched the fans silently and Cried..T.T

So sad to here this.. huhu.. sorry oppa...T.T

 Kim Hyun Joong ‘Saw Fans Fought Over Misunderstanding the past year’ and Cried 

English translation: khjgalaxy

Kim Hyun Joong was reading letter to the fans when he was overwhelmed by pain and cried.

Kim Hyun Joong was holding a showcase for his first mini-album on June 7th.
When the showcase was about to end, Kim Hyun Joong said ‘Because it’s diffcult to express myself” and took out the letter that he personally wrote.

Kim Hyun Joong said ‘It has been 6 years. Really thankful to those who believe and support me till today. Last year, because of misunderstandings, fans fought with each other’, he could not control himself and cried.

‘I could only watched all this silently’ and ‘I worked on my album with the thought that everyone will be happy. So from today onwards, everyone must be happy.’ he said with his eyes turning red.

‘I will like to express gratefulness and love to the fans who came’ he said and left with his head down eyes tearing. His first showcase after going solo expresses the anguish he hid during the past year.

Kim Hyun Joong feels pressured in going solo

Kim Hyun Joong talks about the pressures of going solo 

SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong recently talked about some of the pressures of being a solo artist. 
Kim Hyun Joong held a press conference at the Jang Choong Gymnasium on June 7th about the release of his new solo mini-album “Break Down“. 

Kim Hyun Joong stated at the press conference, ”I wanted to show my masculine side through this solo album“, and he continued, “I don’t think I’m ‘macho’ yet. I wanted to show as much as I could of my transition from a boy into becoming a grown man”. 

He went on, “There were many performance songs with SS501 as well, but I feel that we lacked something in showmanship. Through this solo album, I believe I’ve become much stronger in the aspect of performance. I really wanted to show my maturity as a man”. 
Kim Hyun Joong has worked in many areas including acting, but it has been a while since he has come to the public with an album. On top of that, he feels much pressure since it’s his first attempt at a solo album away from SS501. 

Kim Hyun Joong revealed, “I had a lot of pressure before going on as a solo artist. I’m the fourth member of the group to come out as a solo artist, but I realized that it’s not easy with just the title of SS501 in my background. I realized I need to try even harder”. 

He continued, “I worked harder to make better music to move away from the shadow of SS501″, he added to this by saying, “The jacket design, choreography, and even the puppy in the music video was set by me. The staff I worked with took and shaped my ideas very well”. 

Kim Hyun Joong recently moved his contract to KeyEast, an entertainment agency lead by Bae Yong Joon.

“Yong Joon showed me many music clips, and he also offered to take pictures for my album jacket as he has a talent in photography but it was canceled due to his trip to Busan”, Kim Hyun Joong stated.

He continued saying, “Yong Joon doesn’t seem to have a dream as a musician, but I think he studies a lot in music production as he is the head of the agency”, and “Yong Joon gave me a lot of detailed advice after watching dance videos”.

The new album kicks off with the intro song “Let Me Go” which captures listeners with a powerful pipe-organ sound and contains a total of 6 songs that all carry different, but powerful attractions.

The title song “Break Down” is a dynamic song with powerful electronic brass and synthesizers in the background, creating the feel of an urban south dance song. “Break Down” is focused on creating the right atmosphere for Kim Hyun Joong’s intense performance.

Kim Hyun Joong’s debut album “Break Down” was released officially in Korea just hours ago, on June 8th.

Source + Photo: StarNews via Nate

Kim Hyun Joong cried while reading his letter to fans on his showcase

oh my.. oppa.. don't cry...='(

credits: conightime@yt

Source: Gelzone
English Translation: khjgalaxy

‘Today wanted to perform to let everyone see that this is Kim Hyun Joong. Through showcase, everyone can see the musical side of me, but my heart cannot fully express myself hence pluck up courage and prepared this letter.” said Hyun Joong

Then Hyun Joong walked to the front of the stage and took out the letter and told the fans ‘The content won’t make you cry so don’t cry’. He began ‘Meet everyone for exactly 6 years. During this long period of time, everyone didn’t change and believe and support this man called Kim Hyun Joong.’

He revealed ‘At the same time while preparing the album, looking back at the road I had walked,even though it has not been very long. Being with me is really important, giving me protection. Having to do all the things alone. The burden built up, to overcome all these, is not an easy thing’

He said ‘The past 1 year, saw many fans fought and misunderstood, I didn’t said a word and only looked at this scenario, felt that actually I’m also a helpless person.’
Controlling his tears, he continued reading ‘But hope that when everyone watch and listen to my album and feel blessed. From today onwards, hope that everyone shall smile more and be more blessed. Not mine but everyone’s album. Today want to tell everyone here from the bottom of my heart thank you, I love you all. Thank you so much. I love you all.’ His tears with the fans’ worried cheers dropped at the same time.
don't worry oppa.. everything is alright now... we triple s are united forever.. happy to see you comeback on stage..=')

[Article]SS501 reflects on their sixth anniversary with thoughtful tweets

so good to hear that SS501 of course doesn't forget their anniversary... =')

[Article] SS501 reflects on their sixth anniversary with thoughtful tweets
Source + Photos: Star News via Naver
Courtesy of VITALSIGN/ AllKPop

Idol group SS501 will be celebrating their sixth anniversary on June 8th! To commemorate the milestone, the members left thoughtful messages for their fans via Twitter.

Young Saeng wrote, “Today is SS501’s sixth anniversary! Time flies so fast. I remember crying six years ago because I had finally achieved my dream of becoming a singer. I kept saying, ‘This is great’, even while crying. Since we’ve achieved our dreams, let’s strengthen up! SS501! Let no one forget the meaning of our name!”

Meanwhile, Kyu Jong mused, “Time really does fly fast. It feels like just yesterday that we were all so excited and nervous over our debut on June 8th, 2005. It feels like we were crying only yesterday, and now we’re already here. 5-idols, thank you so much! Really, thank you. And to all of the pretties, thank you! SS501 hooray!”

Hyung Jun also tweeted, “June 8th, 2005, and today. I hope that we’re met with good things and continue to love and support each other. SS501, fighting. I love and thank everyone.”

Beaming, fans replied back, “We will always support you”,“Congratulations on your sixth anniversary”, and “We love you!”

6th Anniversary of SS501.. =')

haha... i had a right timing on opening a separate blog to show my love in SS501 band.. haha.. yeah.. and its their 6th anniversary...


I'm really glad that I am now part of Triple S on your 6th birthday, a bit sad because 5years had past before I discover you guyz but then still glad that i knew about you... I know even though right you have your solo activities and not performing as a group but i believe on what leader have said... that sooner you guyz will come back on stage performing as SS501 again... whatever happens i'll wait for that.. for now I am wishing you guys for all the success in your solo activities.. i really miss you guyz together but do not worry we the TRIPLE S fans won't let you guyz down.. we will support each one of you forever... we are forever TRIPLE S...

For our Leader Kim Hyun Joong, our Sexy Charisma Park Jung Min, our Forever Center Kim Kyu Jong, our Baby Kim Hyung Jun and our Prince Heo Young Saeng, Happy 6th Anniversary... We love you guyz... Just continue supporting and taking care of each other... we know that aside from triple S missing you performing together, for sure guyz you also miss each other so much than we knew.... and We know that your friendship and brotherhood is forever in your heart that's why as a Triple S I am not worried at all.. I fully trust you guyz that you will come back as SS501 soon... and i will forever waiting for that day to come.... Right now.. all i can do is support each one of you guyz.. we will protect the name SS501 forever... we won't let you down.. that's a PROMISE!! so Fighting SS501!!! Miss you so much... I wish for  all the success to each one of you... I really Love you SS501! mwuah.. Take care always... God Bless you SS501..=')