
Friday, 8 July 2011

Kim Hyun Joong will have a 'High Five' Event in the Philippines for Break Down Promo Tour

Waaaaaaaah......... Confirm! Hyun Joong Oppa will visit us! Otoke.. otoke.. Panic mode.. have to find job immediately.. T.T huhuhu... I do hope i have some money when that time comes... I really wanna see oppa,.,,,, i'l do everything just to see him,,.. 

For the record, to end all speculations, rumors and queries..
PolyEast Records proudly announces that IT’S CONFIRMED..

KIM HYUN JOONG will visit the Philippines on AUGUST 25, 2011 (THURSDAY)

Keep it always here on PolyEast Records for more updates and details on the venue
and mechanics of the “High-Five” event.

*high-five *
(noun) – a gesture motion of hand for greeting, elation or victory in which one person taps / slaps an upraised palm against that of another person.

credits: PolyEast Records@fb

Kim Hyun Joong's Qualification for his future Wife

When I saw this article, I immediately open this up.. hehe... hmm.. base on the qualification.. I think I am qulaified.. hahahaha... impossible but why not? who knows!? haha ( in my dreams! right?! hehehe..)... adding the most qualification at the end makes me smile and laugh.. hehe...

Kim Hyun Joong Explains the Qualifications of his Future Wife 

On yesterday’s episode of Mnet’s “The Beatles Code,” Kim Hyun Joong explained, “I would like to marry someone who is not materialistic.” He added, “As a guy, I don’t understand why girls like expensive bags. I just don’t see the difference between a bag that costs $10,000 and a bag that costs $20. They’re exactly the same.”

In Korea, it’s customary for the bride and groom’s family to exchange dowries and wedding gifts, called paemul. Kim Hyun Joong stated, “The gifts can cost $500-600K or more, and it seems absurd to get a loan to buy them just because a wedding is ‘once in a lifetime.’” The singer actor has already mentioned before that he wanted about four children; and during the show, he surprised everyone by stating out the qualifications for his future wife: “She has to be fecund and unmaterialistic.”

When asked if those two qualifications were it, Kim Hyun Joong gave a cold look and said “Most importantly, she must be pretty” in a matter-of-fact way. Then host Yoon Jong Shin laughingly added, “Pretty, kind, unmaterialistic, and someone who’s willing to have a lot of children? I think there’s a high chance you’ll stay single until over forty.”

credit: hotshotlover30 @ Soompi

Kim Hyun Joong took off his shirt @ Mnet's 20 choice

Hahaha... This performance of his was really shocking right? hahaha.. I hardly shout when I saw that part... hahha.. feeling was so so so so waaaaahhhhhhhh.... hahaha.. can't explain.. but he is really hot... showing off his abs.. OMG! I felt like I'm going to die... hehehe... with matching water effects.. wow!! cool and awesome... then Hot!! SEXY! hehehe...... If i was there I probably fainted or worst gone crazy shouting..  Saranghe  Oppa!!.. haha.. so hot.. hehehe..

Kim Hyun-joong takes shirt off in the rain (Mnet 20's Choice)

Kim Hyun-joong took off his shirt along with his performance.

Hosted by Song Joong-ki, the 5th Mnet 20's Choice was held in the Sheraton Grand Walker Hill River Park Poolside on the 7th of July at 6PM.

Kim Hyun-joong decorated the stage with his solo album title song "Break Down". He wasn't playful as usual but masculine as the crowd cheered for him.

At the finale, despite the rain he took of his shirt along with an extravagant dance and displayed sexiness.

Meanwhile, Mnet 20's Choice is known as the 'cultural awards that represents the 20's sensitivity' and met it's 5th year this day.

Source :

Steven Lee thanks Japanese and Filipino fans in Twitter

When I heard regarding about this I was happy knowing that Steven Lee the producer of Break Down thank the fans mentioning Japanese Fans and of course us Filipino fans.. I felt so proud.. because I am part of the launching event... and of course to those who supported kim hyun joong and ss501 all through out...=') Let's keep it up.. owkie? Fighting Triple S and henecians..=')  

credits: Steven_Lee_
repost from change is inevitable blog

Pictures of Heo Young Saeng from 'Beatles Code'

This time it was Young Saeng... Too bad Hyun Joong and Young Saeng are not in the same episode... It would be better when they are together right? Triple S will be so happy if that happens... missing them together again.... Hwaiting.....=')


credits: Mnet Beatles Code Official Site + ss501chapter.wordpress

Pictures of Kim Hyun Joong from 'Beatles Code'

credits: Mnet Beatles Code Official Site +