
Sunday 16 October 2011

Kyu Jong discloses about his solo activities and about SS501

Kyu Jong’s DC Interview 

Kor to Chinese: redcat111、Kyu’s守
Pls give credits to Kyu’s金圭钟中文网 ( when re-posted
Chinese to English translation by slimz1808
Reposted from +

DC: Hi, I’m DC inside. U know DC?
Kyu: Ya, know

DC: Can share how you get to know us?
Kyu: Knew about DC long ago. Back in SS501 days.One of us who loves the computer. Hyung Jun loves playing with the computer and surf around hence stumbled upon DC. Saw updates of many artists and many fun and interesting information.

DC: Ya, DC is an interesting place. SS501 Gallery DC was initially named IDOL Gallery, are you aware?
Kyu: Really? I’m not too sure about that thou. Have to use it more I think. In the past did visit the DS Gallery, there are all kinds of information in there. What’s most amazing and puzzling is that news which supposedly should be known only to us are also available.

DC: Have you been following DC recently?
Kyu: Been busy with Musical and album, did not have time to go online

DC: Are there any stuff which left a deep impression on you when you visited DS Gallery or other Galleries in the past?
Kyu: During 《U R MAN》days, ever seen those fan made images of us, its interesting.

DC: OH you saw them! 《U R MAN》was very HOT those days in DC
Kyu: ya, it seems like people who uses DC have very good ideas (laughs)

DC: Received lotsa support during 《U R MAN》UNIT days. Any plans to have a 3 member unit project again?
Kyu: Even though we did not say anything along those lines, such thoughts did surface. When YS Hyung and Jun came for my debut at MCD. People around were saying the members of 《U R MAN》are gathered together, perhaps should go on stage together? Did consider having a 3 persons Project group。Even if its not for 3 persons, will still work towards the goal of gathering all members and gather lotsa songs for that moment.

DC: Although is insisted that there’s no split, but with everyone in different agencies, it seems tough to come together as one again? is it possible to?
Kyu: I feel that it is possible. Even in our own conversation, we felt the possibility. But our agencies would have their own set of concerns hence its hard to pin-point a specific date/time. I feel that what is impt is for us now is to work hard and improve ourselves individually until we are able to stand up for ourselves and negotiate with our agencies. It is inadvertable that each agencies would want to see their own singers doing well. This is a day that we are looking forward to and each of our agencies do have their own plans, hence there’s no concret plans to date.

DC: I see. So long as members have the heart and desire to come together, it will be possible
Kyu: Ya, that’s my thoughts too

DC: SS501 aside. Let’s talk about Kyu Jong xi’s first solo《TURN ME ON》. The album has been out for almost two weeks. What’s the reactions from those around you?
Kyu: Firstly, people around has expressed they like it. No one would tell me directly that they don’t like it, right? (laughs) Given that the main music trend has been moving forward at a fast pace, it’s tougher for new music to be accepted, it’s a pity. Used to be able to hear new songs TOP 10 listings being played when I walk the streets in the past. However I have not chanced upon such listings recently hence not too sure if my song is being liked. Due to my commitments for musical, have not been able to attend variety shows. After I complete the musical commitment this week, I’m preparing to attend more variety shows to introduce my music to more people.

DC: It’s true, recently everyone has been real brief in their album promotions, within a month at times.
Kyu: that’s my thoughts too, hence would like to promote for longer time. Anyway I have been absent from broadcast programs too. This time even if people get sick and tired of me I’ll still be on shows for longer periods.

DC: going forward we will be able to see more of you on programs
Kyu: yes, that’s what I hope too

DC: pls introduce your song “Yesterday”, what kind of song is that?
Kyu: “Yesterday” is a sad song, thinking about ex-gf and can’t see her. Feeling depressed in the days following the break-up and feeling burdened by that love. Is produced by Han Sang Won who composed 《U R MAN》. It is a medium tempo song with an addictive dance tune.

DC: seems to have put in lots of attention to it as it is the first solo. Are there any parts in the album whereby you have placed special attention to?
Kyu: firstly it’s the music. One would realize that the title song is different from the recent music trends. Had obtained the inspirations from US POP STAR TOMMY PAGE. Hence there’s a slight element of the pop music from the early 90′s. Sounds pretty more like an oldies when compared to the recent music but would be addicted to it after a few rounds. Was in a long dilemma during the music composition stage because was thinking if recent music trends like electric, CLUB, shuffle music etc should be adapted. But decided that it might be good to be different from the mainstream. Hence followed this direction for the album.

DC: heard that 《Yesterday》was someone else’s song?
Kyu: ya. Was YS Hyung’s song. Hyung even completed the recording but it was reflected that the song don’t suit him hence it came to me. After discussions with composer hyung, it was re-arranged to my style.

DC: it is so ah. As compared to YS xi, who sang the song better?
Kyu: YS Hyung sang very well (laughs) . I have the version which he sang, will broadcast it in future if there is the chance

DC: fans were expecting a nice sweet love song since it is now autumn. Yet a dance song was released, its a real surprise.
Kyu: Although it’s a dance song, the song does sounds suitable for the autumn too ah. I’m not able to dance to vigorous dance alone. I may have comeback with a dance song now but I’m planning more interesting styles going forward.

DC: Feels that Kyujong xi has a voice very suitable for R&B, what’s your personal view?
Kyu: ya, my personal preference is R&B hip hop. Tae wan hyung who helped with production this time round is in fact great with R&B music. Hyung is someone who is very strong in R&B music. He has to give up his style while composing my song, accommodating to me completely, really apologetic for this.

DC: What to think of your own singing voice?
Kyu: Not totally satisfied with my singing voice. My voice is skewed towards soft range, hence instead of strong tempo songs, would choose songs within the gentle range when selecting songs.

DC: Worked with several composers whom you are close with, seems to be very happy, what’s the feel?
Kyu: Hyungs were really putting their hearts to it. For instance, Tae wan hyung even took part in the stage costume drawing, also looked around for hair styles, spent lots of efforts. Hence felt really great working on it.

DC: Regarding the chiffon net stage costume, whose idea was it?
Kyu: Cody noonas who we worked with back in SS501 days helped with it. As we do not have a name for the Cody noona team, they are addressed as May Na Li noonas, based on the first character of their names. Would be good to have a name for them. (slimz1808: i litrerally trans the names from the Chinese version, not too sure if i’m right)

DC: whose idea was it, the suspender dance? Was it tough, the dance?
Kyu: it’s choreographed by the leader of the choreographer team. he is a hyung whom we have worked with since SS501′s Snow Prince days. At that time he was the magnae, has unknowingly grew to become leader of the team. Hyung was pretty worried as the song is different from recent music trends and it has a slight musical element embedded in it. Hence felt a need to have some form of performance. As he was fretting over this, saw some Black American singers donning suspenders and singing on stage. But the suspenders were not used in those dances, the suspenders were just part of the stage costumes. Hyung felt that my song suits having suspenders and hence choreographed the dance accordingly. When he showed me the whole choreographed dance, my first thought was that it’s splendid.

DC: Would like to know if you had been able to voice your views and are there any portions of the album which you played an active part in?
Kyu: Spent the whole night with the composer, composing the song No More Yes. Actively involved in the lyrics part too as I wanted to reflect my feelings in it. Am aware that my self made songs aren’t able to make it into the album yet, but am learning hard in this area due to my keen interest in composing songs.

DC: Did any interesting thing happened during recording?
Kyu: When i was featuring in YS hyung’s album, have already requested him to feature in mine when I release album. Hence there’s his RAP featuring in my album. It may sound like YS Hyung’s voice was mixed with computer effects (not too sure if I got this right) but in fact that’s not computer effects, it’s Hyung’s own voice. Made him sing and re-sing as it was really amazing. Both composer hyung and I were amazed, unable to understand how can that be done and left a deep impression.

DC: which is your fav song in this album?
Kyu: As this is my first album, I like all. As the song which YS hyung rapped was his first, left a deep impression and like it a lot.

DC: that’s the song My Love right? There are many who like it too, but nothing much is known about the composer, very curious.
Kyu: I myself is only aware that the song was made in US. felt that it was great too when I got hold of the demo. As the demo was received in a package, we are also not sure who exactly is the composer. I’ve not seen the composer at all. Very curious and would like to meet at least once.

DC: any plans to collaborate with YS xi?
Kyu: There are plans to. Initially wanted to try once but our music style seems to be different. It may not seems obvious on the surface but the music styles that we each want and the performance that we want to show on stage is different. Had lots of discussions with hyung and thought would try so in future during projects like special remembrance albums or Carole etc.

DC: Was THANKS TO being omitted intentionally?
Kyu: Ya it’s not in coz there’s just too many people to thank. Did fret over whether to include it. Decided to include it in future full album. As this is my first solo, would like the attention to be focused on my music instead. Music should be the main draw. Was worried THANKS TO would become the main draw and reduce the attention on the main draw to less than 2%.

DC: The album photos seem to be very different, esp the female cross dressing ones, attracted lots attention
Kyu: Ya. I’m happy that people are paying much attention to the photo, felt very thankful. Truthfully there was an intention to attract attention. Want to try something never tried before and hence decided to do it. Felt very embarrassed during the make up and photo taking. Along the way developed the thinking of “oh there is this facet of me” and completed the photo shoot happily.
The title song was likewise, trying to portray the sad feeling of me who is hoping to see the face of an ex-gf on myself. In order to portray the deepest level of depression, did a lot of thinking while doing the shots.
In addition, the white make up was to reflect that no matter how colorful one’s inner self is, would want to drop all these and portray one’s true colors on the stage.

DC: Seems to suit female dressing. Which photo in the album are you most satisfied with?
Kyu: My personal preference is this one. it seems to suit the depressed feeling of the title song.

DC: Fans are reflecting that Kyujong xi has slimed down too much after seeing your album photos and you in person. was it a deliberate attempt to lose weight?
Kyu: do I appear that thin? I don’t think so (laughs). Did deliberatly lose some meat. My weight hardly increase during SS501 days. but seems to be otherwise after seeing broadcast images and photos and hence felt stressed. Those days as I’m with members, even if I’m a bit meaty, there’s members to block. But now I’m alone gotta work hard to lose weight. Lost about 6 kg as compared to those days. Had intended to lose more but am unable to do so as i did not exercise well. Quite worried.

DC: are you one who loses weight when exercise?
Kyu: ya, I will lose weight. Hence giving my trainer lots of trouble, always saying “why are you always so thin?”. Even if I eat a lot, once I start exercising, my body would slim down fast.

DC: no matter what, there are lots of people who envy your figure. Any secret methods to maintain such figure?
Kyu: I’m a very picky eater. My fav food is jajiang mian, pizza, burgers, ramen etc. Would eat them only when I have the craving, otherwise i won’t touch them, would take foods like veg and low/no fats foods.

DC: to comeback as a solo, would need to build on your own draw points. What do you think is your main attracting point?
Kyu: I think is being a truthful person whom others are comfy with. My first impression of my members was that they had just stepped out of a manga. Was totally defeated when I saw them. Thought that I can’t gel in with them, I can’t stay on long in the group. Fret over it for long. Actually saw lots of such comments during those days. Members have grown to be even more beautiful these days hence I have long given up. Instead of that feel, would rather approach others with a sweet and warm hyung/dongsaeng next door image. But fans had been saying I’m being R(A) in recent broadcasts programs. Though am not aware how did they felt that way but it seems to be an interesting image.

DC: being the last of the 5 with a solo,is this the correct timing?
Kyu: had clashes with musical hence will definitely have insufficient time for preparation and thus comes with injury. Will also find it taxing. although may not be 100% satisfied, but is still find it to be a song that suits the autumn. would be contented so long as there are some who find my song nice. Do not harbor ambitious thoughts with this solo, intention is skewed towards letting more people know about me as a solo singer. Would have the desire for number one in future.

DC: how satisfied are you with the album?
Kyu: 80-90%

DC: won’t you feel it will be good to be able to continue group activities?
Kyu: that is of coz. Have that thought every time I have my own activities. recently when I see the other groups on activities together, would think it will be good if we are too and will be even more better. But on the other hand, it is a good thing that I am doing solo activities as I can learn much more. Members also felt likewise when we have discussions together. There are many areas which require brushing up on an individual level too. I am already 25 and felt that this is about time that I learn to do activities on my own. Comeback with members when we are all more matured and stronger will probably make us similar to the strong and untouchable Shinhwa hyungs, a team with quality.

DC: feel irritable that interviewers are always asking about the split of SS501
and that there are disagreements amongst members? Curious to hear your thoughts.
Kyu: it’s ok. For someone who has not seen/heard it will continue to be curious even if the similar question has been posted many times. Hence I would want to continue emphasizing, our members always reply that we are doing fine when being asked. But there will be people who would say that we aren’t actually close, close only on the surface. It’s absolutely so. Even after this, there will be people who will say that I’m being fake. Will have to show this is definitely not true in future.

DC: hyun Jong also released his new album
Kyu: ya, this week. I went to see his mv shooting yesterday. Really a nice song with great dance. Will be able to sweep stands when it’s released. Hope to enjoy the stage together with him during his activities. YS hyung had a chance to collaborate with him previously. Was really envious when watching them at home. Would like to stand on stage with hyun Jong hyung if given the chance. Attend variety shows not as members of the same group but as competitors seem to be interesting too. Hyunjong hyung is originally more experienced in both music and shows hence people around were saying since he is come backing, should avoid or said being a member if your results are not comparable, will you be sad. But I don’t feel so. I am working hard in my own way, hyung also worked hard to achieve the love he has today. I feel that this is the way it should be. I visited him during his summer training. He really worked hard. If it were me, I won’t be able to work as hard. Practiced hard and very disciplined in maintaining his figure, really put in lots of hard work. When I looked at hyung, felt really motivated. He is not our leader for nothing.

DC: won’t you feel the threat to be doing promotion at the same time.
Kyu: will be envious of the position which I am unable to attain. But as compared to having other singers in that position, isn’t is better to have hyung in that position. If it’s hyung, I can give him my utmost congrats and won’t feel envious at all. If he succeed, will be good and feel good too.

DC: Very humble, but does Kyu jong xi has any desires in your music?
Kyu: Truthfully I do not have the desire to attain #1 with this album. Purpose of this album is to tell people that there is such a person, Kim Kyu Jong comebacking as a solo with his music, music fitting for the autumn season. Hoping that my voice can surround people, leaving a dreamy music for people. Will then have the desire to attain #1 in my future albums.

DC: is already a singer who has debuted for 6years. Is a old idol amongst the idols when u attend music shows. Have received the younger generations’ greetings?
Kyu: currently still pretty distant. As I’ve only just started my solo, I’m holding on to a newbie’s attitude. There was once I was in the waiting room with CAN seniors. The young ones from Infinite came to give greetings. CAN hyungs said ‘kyu Jong also about to receive greetings already’. I felt weird..groups from the 2010′s are plentiful, but I still feel that the age gap with them is not too huge. There are singers of the same age too.

Any recent groups which you find them with exceptional appeal? Any Female idol singers whom you are particularly interested in?
Kyu: actually the recent groups are all very good hence is unable to pick one. Is closer to Kara hence felt good when see them doing well. On exceptional good terms with Jiyoung of Kara and keeps in contact often. Like her as a sister and not an artist. Will feel very refresh when chatting with her. Innocence and purity is irreplaceable. When I chat with her will have the thought of why am I like a fool, depressed over things. She will give solutions based on her innocent mind. Recently also like Crystal of HighKick and is hence keeping more attention on.

DC: Kara are also promoting now. Seen them on programs?
kyu: ya, met shortly during activities, very happy

DC: read that if you were to appear in WGM, would like to be in it with Oh Se Jung. If it’s other artists, is Crystal fine?
Kyu: want to film it with OSJ, can’t I? (laughs) . Actually I haven’t thought of it…Crystal is fine, but is still underage is this fine? Don’t think it’s possible. (laughs)

DC: let’s talk about musical. Many fans reflected that they have seen the other side of you through this musical and also seen the possibilities of you being an actor. What is your own thoughts re this, i.e. yourself as an actor?
Kyu: Has been taking acting courses way before I was casted for the musical. Actually when I received invitation for the musical, despite the encouragement from people around me to take it up, I still had the thoughts that I am not suitable for it. Hence fretted over it for long. Thinking back now, feel that I am right to do so. Fellow casts in the musical were great and I learnt a lot. Developed the yearning to do better as time progresses. Nowadays when I watch TV dramas, I will be thinking if it’s me, I will try it this way, analysising the characters and slowly developing more interest in acting.

DC: When did you join the musical?
Kyu: Joined and started preparations in March. Performance started in June and is now currently doing encore.

DC: how did you get selected for the role?
Kyu: contacted via agency. Initially I said I can’t do it coz Li Shin is one picky, mean and full of Charisma character. I felt I won’t be able to do it. Hence suggested taking up Yul prince instead. Was in discussions for at least 2 months before deciding to take up. Taking up a role which is totally different from me would be a good breakthrough hence decided to take it up.

DC: Li Shin and Kyujong, is very different in character?
Kyu: Ya, totally opposite. Almost felt like dying because of this lapse in character during the early days. Li Shin kept picking on matters, throwing tempers, being negative and looking down on others. During the inital trainings the trainer ever said that Kyu Jong’s character is too different from Li Shin’s, perhaps won’t be able to perform on stage…felt really worried then.

DC: How would you rate your performance in Goong?
Kyu: Am still lacking in many areas now. Developing more interest and desire as I continued the performance, hoping to portray an even better performance. But ended up with many mistakes. Will be going to Tokyo, Japan after Seoul’s Encore. Will study more attentively and put up an even better performance.

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