
Wednesday, 22 June 2011

[Eng Translation] Kim Hyun Joong Radio Guesting on SBS Power Time

First clip:
KHJ thows kiss at the audience at the request of MC.
She asks about his short hair cut and why? She wonders if he did that to get out of the image of being manga-like. He says there is that but mostly he felt that long hair got in the way of playing soccer and he plays soccer a great deal. He also says that as he is coming out with a solo album he no longer wanted to look childish/-like. He does not want to regret how he looked if he goes back to a karaoke room later in life. He feels like he did everything possible one can do with hair--from coloing to yellow and red, attaching hair, braiding, tying, etc...So it was not any codi or mangemnet who suggested such hair cut but his own decision. Not too long ago, he actually thought about shaving his hair off due to great stress from making the solo album. He was about to send the text to his codi-noona but stopped himself as he already knew what she would say or yell--"What? What are you thinking!, Are you crazy? Do what you want and then see..." He says he got scared and did not send the text.
MC goes straight into asking him about his ideal type of female. She says it is good for Lee HyoRi-ssi but other close celebrity friends and associates may feel sad that he only picks LHR. She also wonders if he continues to say it is Lee HYoRi because he really does not want any scandals and misunderstandings. He gave a vague YES. But it seems like his attention was somewhere else and he realized what he did a second later. SO he clarifies and says, Of course I am a fan to so many other celebrities. But LeeHR used to be in the same agency as I was and I have also been a fan since young age. But, now we are in different agencies and I have not contacted her. However, I still feel that, because of her, KHJ of SS501 somehow came far.
MC says, so, it is out of gratitude. It is a good feeling to a woman (to hear such thing). So, as a man, don't you want to make an approach to her?
He says he has absolutely no wish to do so.
MC points out that he said "absolutely not".
But he shakes that off and says that she is a noona.
So, mc says that KHJ should still date and love, so what kind of style of woman do you like?
Khj--I like a woman who is good to me and is very devoted to me (He used a word 'hyun-sik' which has a connotation of being self-sacrificial).
mc--Did you ever meet such a woman before?
Khj-Yes, I have.
mc-You mean someone who is in your age group who calls you opppa, oppa and is very proactive in showing her interest? Personally I really liked the young woman whom you starred with in Mischievous Kiss. What do you think about her (mc is referring to Jung SoMin)?
Khj--she is also just dongseng.
MC--just dongseng. An adorable dongseng. She is really cute.
(Just look at his face as they are talking about this issue: @5:40~5:57)
Khj--yes, she is nice.
mc--(she is noticing his lack of enthusiasm and lack of vitality here) I feel like you seem different. We used to be very close and comfortable. Remember?
Khj-yes. I think I was more like that because HyungJoon was there, calling you Sunsengnim and all.
MC--yes I was yelling at him to call me Sunsengnim. (at that time HJB was chastized by this mc for calling her sunbae-nim and she told him to call her sunsengnim which is higher reference to a person in the same profession.)
mc-you returned with a solo album which is very different,,even the words..Break Down.
KHJ- I was in the middle of filming the 6th episode of MK when I received this song. As soon as I reviewed it, I knew this was it. I kept it and was gong to record it and then the song Please came to me and I was torn as to which one to make the title song. So I made mv's with both songs and then had a meeting with the all the managers and presidents concerned. They also liked the melody of Please but they felt that Break Down would have a greater social impact. That is how Break Down became the title song.
music played: (Break It Down)

2nd part
Soon after the Break Down song ends, it appears that Lee Min Jung and Lee Jung Gyu are in the studio. MC asks him what he thinks of LeeMJ.
Khj—I know Lee MJ because I worked with her on BOF and had maybe 3 dialogues with her in the drama. But it has been such a long time that it feels strange and it feels like I am seeing a different person.
MC-Lee seems to have gotten prettier.
Khj-(very quiet ) yes

MC reads off some of the responses from fans about his music. Sexy voice, Wow, etc.
Summary: This was an unexpected event where LMJ and LJG came to study radio DJ work in progress because they are soon going to work together in a movie about a radio dj falling in love with the radio pd..MC asks LMJ what she thinks about KHJ and she comments that his body really looks good. LMJ also says that she worked with KHJ at BOF and maybe had three scenes together through Jejudo and at the horse race track. KHJ says that they were filming at 3 in the morning and LmJ remembers shivering in the cold weather. Due to so little scenes, LMJ says she did not become that close to KHJ. She does not think he talks a lot but remembers him saying very interesting/funny things. LMG says that he is not close to KHJ but has bumped into him at the TV station few times. MC asks what is it like when two good looking men meet because temperature goes down when two pretty ladies meet for the first time. KHJ says that honestly he is more excited about meeting actresses than actors. So MC tells both Lee’s to study the radio work and send them off. They take pix before leaving and later I think KHJ give signed copies of his cd to both actors.  

Part 3
They both read off fans posts on message board. Another one said KHJ is pretty but also looks good appearing as tough and rough.
mc- when you look at yourself in the mirror, do you feel that you are pretty? Be honest.
Khj—honestly, I never did.
mc—then do you see yourself and say, attractive?
Khj-No, I just say to myself it is better not to erase the make-up. (Both laugh.)
mc--once in a while your statement is very interesting.
Mc asks KHJ to read a post. Fan asks how would KHJ like to be addressed by noona fans.
KHJ—I guess it would be fine to call me, Hyunjoong-ah. Excuse Me sounds a bit ….
(I will skip uninteresting conversations.)
Fans say they like his short hair, they like that he is funny and goodlooking so he is a perfect man. MC asks about his sense of humor. He does not think himself that funny but he finds it a relief and comfort that fans like what he says. He knows that when comedians speak, they speak with a big sense of responsibility but he says whatever is on his mind and some gets the laugh—maybe three out of 10. Haha (I think KHJ is beginning to be comfortable on the radio…perhaps his discomfort in the beginning was due to nervousness???)
MC—Because of KHJ’s honesty, he is also called perfect honest man. So she is going to have a Q&A session to get further into his honesty. She tells him that this is a speed Q&A and she wants him to answer and then they will talk about his answers later.
MC- Today is june 14, Kiss Day. When was your last or most recent kiss?
Khj-(hesitating and not answering @ 6:41 on the 3rd tape. ) Well, this…..
MC—What was the last meal that you personally prepared for your gf?
Khj- kimchi fried rice.
mc-rank in order how you would like to be known~ beast of man, cold city man, flower-like man
Khj—Flower man, beast of man, cold man
mc—I have been asked for a date by a celebrity or vice versa
mc—about holding grudge,,
Khj—I hold it a little.
mc—Girl Group who appears the prettiest to me is
Khj—After School
mc—name two male stars who are more handsome than I am
Khj—Bae YongJoon and,,,,,(bell rings to sign the end of speed Q&A) Jang DongGun.
mc—I guess you are right. But there are 4 questions left. And I am still going to ask them to you.
Khj-I tend to speak more slowly than most people so you have to give me 1.5 times the normal time.
mc—So I will give you the time. You took too long on the kiss question. You were thinking too much That means there is something there.
Khj—yes, there is. (@ 8:01 See KHJ’s bright smile at this!!!) I was thinking whether to lie or not.
mc—You cannot lie. We will slowly talk about that later. (KHJ has his face down @ 8:11)
mc—name two people both men and women who would come running if you ask them to meet you for drinks.
khj—It does not have to be stars…(mc says hmm) The head of the dancers Lee Hyun Sang will come right away. Keyeast’s Team Leader Shin Jae Gwang.
mc—how about women?
khj—honestly?? (@8:36 he seems to have slightly turned his eyes towards the camera..or am I imagining??) ,,,Jung YooRi who is codi and team leader (of codi’s) Lee YuMi.
mc—how about HYoRi noona? Wouldn’t she come running? I would think so.
khj—well,,,I don’t think that I will call her out. I don’t think that I can comfortably have a drink with her.
mc—I guess you will be too tense..
khj—(his head is down) yes.
Mc—what would KHJ recommend as his method for body building?
Khj—Eat whatever you want.
Mc—and exercise?
Khj—yes. Spots and health(exercise) and just work out as much as you have eaten. With soccer and health/exercise. Wherever I go, I don’t say I won’t drink or anything. I would just eat and work out twice as hard.
mc—It is because you are young. What is one area of yourself that you have most confidence in?
khj—me? ,,,hmmm, maybe eyes?
mc-You may like everything but especially eyes?
Khj—yes. And not too long ago, I even had lasik done and now they are better than ever.  

Part 4
mc—(cracks up) What are somethings that you want to say to parents but normally have not??
Khj—hmmm,,,there is nothing that I have not said to my parents. I am saying everything to them that I need to say.
mc—you mean like I love you?
khj—not those. For the harmony of the family…I feel too awkward saying those things.
mc—so what are those things that you want to say..
khj—I guess …thank least? I guess I should do it. (I wonder if he is very close to his family.)
mc—I have never heard somebody say that they say everything. So….do you say Thank You often?
Khj—no…When I go home, I think the number of things that I say decreases.
mc—but isn’t it time that you gossip and talk a lot with your parents?
Khj—yes I guess I should…but later.
mc—do you have a brother? Is he as good looking?
khj—yes he looks like me.
mc—So, let’s take a look. Today is the Kiss Day (June 14). The question was the most recent kiss that you had…did it take long because you were confused or because it was too long ago??
Khj—hmmm,,,I think I did it while preparing for the album.
khj—I guess it has been about 4 months ago.
mc—(laughs,,,because of the way KHJ said 4 month was kind of funny)
Khj—I am here for the new album with a clean and neatly ordered mind. (mc is cracking up, I think KHJ is telling her that he does not want to delve into that issue period.!!???)
mc—All right. All right.. So the meal that you made for a gf was kimchi fried rice? She must have really liked it.
Khj—yes..that was the last cooking.
mc—for her.
mc—you said that you were proposed for date?
Khj—yes..I did the “dash”—asked for a date.
mc—you never received a proposal for a date?
mc—you did ask for a date…did it work out or not?
Khj—it did.
mc—You are very clear cut. (I believe she said that because he would not volunteer any more information than necessary. But the mc continues..maybe he is mad about that???) So how many times did you meet? Are you still meeting?
khj—We met for about 10 months. But,,,like all entertainers, ….we parted. (@ from 2:02 look at his expressions as he talk about this issue. Very stoic…no expression at all...)
mc—Is it because of the scheduling conflicts? Because you could not see each other??
khj—Yeah. It seems so. (continue to look at his expressionless face)
At this time the mc is laughing..don’t know why..
khj—our hobbies and interests were different. I like to go out with friends and have drinks but she wanted to stay home.
mc—she wanted to stay home with only HyunJoong-ssi?
khj—no. not even with me. (@ 2:46 he again turned to face the camera briefly as he said this. I wonder why?? )
mc—So you did not know about it at first and made the “dash” and since both of you are so different…?
mc—So between soccer and women friends, what do you prefer? You even cut your hair for soccer.
Khj—Of course, girl friends are better than soccer. Soccer is…I do it to console loneliness… (both laugh).
mc—so you are saying that you will reduce the time on soccer if you have a girlfriend..
mc—you said that you have a bit of tendency to hold grudge. In what way do you do it??
khj—I hold it in. And when I have crossed over or overcame something, then I will say it, I have come this far holding it in. I was patient at that time..I say it like that.
mc—That is great. Perhaps those incidents are what made you run towards success.
Mc—since today is Kiss day, I chose your song Kiss Kiss to play. It sounds very sweet.
khj—yes. Today is kiss day. (@ 3:58) If you look at the lyrics, it is very good. It says (she is ) So lovely that (I) want to kiss.
mc—(@4:07) Please look at the camera and blow your kiss..and he does a dance move) you have just listened to KHJ’s Kiss Kiss. While it was playing, you continually sang along.
khj—yes (I did not think he was singing along..)
mc—That is a first time. You must really love this song.
khj—yes I really love this song. From the current album, it is a song that I really treasure. The lyrics say, “whenever a new movie comes out and whenever new music comes out, the very first person I think of is you.” I have actually experienced such feeling..I would want to show to the person first when a new movie comes out or whenever something new comes out…
mc—They say that when you are looking at a beautiful view or eating something very delicious and you think of a person at that moment, that person is the one that you love.
Khj—yes. I think so (@ 8:20)
mc—is it that person from 4 months ago?
Khj also cracks up and quietly says, no…(but it is not clear if he is really saying it is that person from 4 months ago or not.)
Mc says that she will give 5 signed KHJ CD to those who guess correct answers. KHJ comes up with the quiz..since there has been much criticism about his actual height, many are saying that I am same as JaeSuk hyung. Mc chimes in and say that if people guess his correct height . the first 5 will get his CD that is signed. 

Part 5
mc---hint is that he is taller than 179cm. When you first heard the news were you hurt??
khj—I really did not think is seriously. But the news was becoming very big. (big laughter from mc) For me, I do not normally wear height enhancer. If I do that on stage I cannot dance at all. I don’t think it really matters to me if I am 175 or more. It is just a height.
Mc—While waiting for people to send in answers. She is going to ask KHJ questions given by the fans.--Do you like younger looking older female or do you like glamorous younger female?
Khj—I like younger looking older female. (mc says woah)
MC--If you are to open a business later, what would you do besides a chicken store?
khj—a kindergarten
mc—tell us why by imitating Andre Kim’s voice.
khj—(@1:37) The reality of our country’s child education is too poor in quality. (laughter)
mc—chicken store and kindergarten….sound good.
khj—I want to teach dance, guitar, piano instead of too much emphasis on English lessons.
mc—ahh. Teach music and skills…another question is what do you do when you are alone at home?
khj—well..I don’t like when sunlight comes into the house, so I have curtains drawn. I don’t even really sleep. I would listen to music. And…I really like the TV program about “life’s philosophy/master=senghwal’s dalin”.
Mc is cracking up again. So you would close all curtains and watch Life’s Wisdom/Philosopher.
Khj—yes, It is so interesting.
Another fan asks what would you do if there is an acting role that you really want but it has a bed scene.
Khj—if that is the situation, I guess I have to work out really hard from that day on.
mc—that is great.
Last questions is what is your favorite dish that your mother make?
Khj—kimchi. My mother is a vegetarian and makes it herself.
mc—are you sure she does not buy it??
Khj—no..I cannot eat kimchi that has oyster or octopus or anything that has that flavor. My mother’s kimchi is strickly vegetarian.
mc—so you like kimchi, kimchi fried rice,,,you are truly a Korean male.
khj—yes,,,,very little money is spent when one meets with me.
mc—because you only eat kimchi?
khj—I basically eat well whatever is given to me..I hope everybody knows this well. (he laughs..but I wonder why he said that???)
mc—it seems like your nickname 4-D uzusin really fits well. Thank you so much for coming today and for being so honest . We will listen to the sponsors and then return with KHJ.
mc—you requested a song by Kim JongMin. Are you two close?
khj-We all share the same codi-noonas.
mc—you all really love your codi-noonas.
Khj-yes. I just want everybody to become encouraged today. (Kim JOngMin’s new song is about getting charged for life even if one is tired.)
Mc asks KHJ to take off his sunglasses and say his last goodbye. He wishes everyone good health and happiness and imitates someone again…

video credits: st2pidt33nz007@yt
Translation by

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